Two laptops side by side


Senior member
Aug 15, 2000
I have two Dell D600 laptops in use right beside each other monitoring process equipment. We went with laptops because of limited desk space. I would like to hookup a wireless mouse to each laptop. Can this be done without any interference from one system to the other? The computers are totally independent of each other. I'm not trying to control them with one mouse. I need two people, two laptops, 1 ft apart, 2 cordless mice.
Can I use two of the same mice? Two differenct technologies (blue tooth, IR, RF)? How can I do this?


Golden Member
Sep 6, 2004
Two diffirent technologies should almost certainly work, unless one is just a ghastly monster of cut rate engineering that causes hideous interference. Unlikely. Whether you can swing two of the same depends on the classiness of the systems in question. Basic RF mice sometimes have vaguely hackish "association" methods, where one presses little buttons on the mouse and the reciever, in some arcane order. That might allow you to get two systems running without interference; but I wouldn't bet the farm on it, particularly with cheapies. Bluetooth should have proper association, as it is designed for dense environments, with lots of devices, only some of whom ought to be chatting. If the laptops have, or can be given, bluetooth, that'd probably be the nicest solution.

If all else fails, IR+RF/Bluetooth cannot possibly fail to work. I'd try a couple of bluetooth mice, if the laptops, and your budget, are so equipped. It'd save you the possible hassle of mucking with random el cheapo RF gear.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004
I would probably go with either one Bluetooth and one RF, or two Bluetooth. Since Bluetooth lets you pair a specific system with a device, you can easily avoid conflicts that way. It won't be the most precise mousing experience... but then you're monitoring equipment, not drawing art.


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2005
i live in a dorm room and my roommate and i have the same exact mice. we have no problems what soever. our recivers are about 3 feet apart. i dont think you will have any issues (at least with rf) even if you get the same mice. if i were you i would stick to rf and just get 2 different kinds to be on the safe side.

Edit: we have logitech mediaplay mice.