Two Computers and One USB External Modem ? Is my ISP paranoid?


Sep 3, 2000
I hope this question is in the right place . Apologies if it isn't .
I have two computers; one for gaming and the other for everything else. I used to have both connected to the Internet through a switch box via my one USB external modem. I could connect no problem with either. Now, the ?dogsbody ? one will not connect via the switch box, but will if I put the USB lead from the modem directly into the PC.
Attempts to connect through the switchbox are met with a message words to the effect that I ?cannot connect through a network? or ?the computer is not answering- try later ?
Each Pc uses windows 98SE. And obviously the same ISP settings.
Connecting to my ISP like this used to be no problem. Since disconnecting the computers to effect some hardware repairs, I have had the present situation.
The impression I have, from the message received on trying to connect via the switchbox, is that my ISP regards my second computer as a networked one? And so won?t allow the connection?
Do they think I should have two accounts with them ? one for each computer?
I would want the gaming computer connection for games and the associated downloads etc ,obviously; but I don?t want to clog it with other ordinary surfing stuff, if I can avoid it? .
Is there some particular setting I should have to enable me to surf with either as before?
Thanks in anticipation.


Senior member
Jan 23, 2002
are the 2 systems networked? if so, you should consider using windows ICS. one computer always connects, both computers can always use the net.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 25, 1999
Put a Network card (NIC) in the main computer, a NIC card in the Game computer.

Buy crossover Cat5 cable, and connect the two NICs' . Configure both computers as network, and add Windows ICS (Internet Connection Sharing, comes with Win98). It will cost about $20-$30, and some reading.

Want to know more, read the content of the following links:

Basic Options for Internet Connection Sharing

Hubs, routers, switches, DSL, LANs, WANs...?

Setting Up, Windows 98 / 98-SE.

Networking and sharing between computers.

If money is not an issue your best solution is to buy this:

Draytek Vigor 2200 USB DSL Router.



Sep 3, 2000
Thanks for the replies- I'm not sure I made myself clear. I don't want to network the computers. When I first used the switch box, designed to link one usb unit to two computers, then I was able to use either computer to dial up my ISP.
And it worked no problem. It works on computer "b". The connection is made and kept.
When I turn the switch and use computer "A" then all seems to go well and then it's as if the ISP rejects my connection attempt saying connection is being made through a network!! ( which it seems they don't like !)
After a few days not using computer A I tried it and got thru. Connection was made and then after a few minutes it seemed they realised that they had allowed connection and then I was disconnected, and then couldn't re-connect.
So this tells me that the switchbox is physically working OK - I wonder if some settings in the dial up could be done, so the ISP doesn't worry about what it sees as a networked connection!!??