Twelve Angry Men was the first straight drama I'd ever been in, and I didn't realize just how paltry and easy it is to perform in a musical when you've got music, sets and huge cast to hide behind.
12 people sitting at a table. No scene changes. No big chorus number to stop and catch your breath, and you can't fsck up because if you don't play out the facts right, when the jurors finally arrive at a verdict, it won't make sense to the audience. It's a theatrical grudge match. Although up until that point I had always been a singer who acts, once I realized the challenge of doing straight drama, I suddenly began considering myself an actor who sings.
I like the old one better than the remake. Just something about Henry Fonda's mug and the black and white evokes the mood of a being stuck in a stuffy un-airconditioned jury room in the middle of the summer so well....