TWC Modem/Router recommendations


Platinum Member
Dec 17, 2004
Most people will tell you to avoid a modem/router combo and buy them separate.

The best/newest cable modem on the supported list is the sb6183. Motorola is well known for quality modems. The 6183 is a 16x4 modem (futureproof).

The 6141 is also good 8x4 modem.
If you want cheaper than get the 6121, a 4x4 modem.

The difference between the 4x4, 8x4, and 16x4 modems is the max supported speed. Your 30/5 package will be fine with any of the modems. People buy the 8x4 or 16x4 modems for futureproofing or if they have higher internet packages (100mbps+). I am not sure if you will be able to buy the sb6183 anywhere, it might be rent only. In that case get the 6141.

Then, buy a separate router of your choice.
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Platinum Member
Mar 7, 2005

I am still using an Arris DOCSIS 2.0 modem for TWC extreme (30Mbs) and telephone - so obviously, I am not getting the speed I am paying for. Plus I am paying the stupid lease fee for that aging brick.

I almost bought an SB6141 6 months ago, but held off because of the release of the 6183. As you can see, people were discussing it back in April. The damn thing still isn't out, and the release date keeps getting pushed back. In the meantime, I have already wasted $6/mo for the last 6 mos...

So my question is does anyone have any reliable news one when the 6183 is finally going to be available for purchase? The Amazon listing still says 3-5 weeks - which it has said for over a month now.

FYI - I live in one of the TWC MAXX cities that will be receiving automatic upgrades to up to 300 Mbs speeds. I was holding off in an attempt to future proof. Kind of regret it now. The 6141's 8x4 isn't that slow.


Sep 3, 2001
6141 supposed to be good for ~300Mbps down and ~100Mbps up.

6183 would be for beyond those speeds (iirc its something like ~680Mbps down, ~130Mbps up)

I'd say you definitely kind of shot yourself in the foot if you've been paying +$6 a month for the modem and have been getting less speed than what you've been paying for because of an older modem (should have at least been able to swap out the rental for a newer modem, although that might not have been convenient, I have a local TWC store that I can drive to for such transactions)


Platinum Member
Mar 7, 2005
I realize that, but back in March & April, everyone said the 6183 would be out in June, and I was willing to pay maybe $20-$30 extra to future proof. Google Gigabit is coming here too, so TWC is highly motivated to up bandwidth - no idea if they will stop at 300.

So I am still wondering - am I three weeks away from being able to buy this, or will I still be waiting @ Xmas?


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
I do the modem lease from my provider since it solves me headaches in my complicated network. However; when I know a new release is out and it will improve my speeds I pressure them to deliver it.

I am on an Arris now and it's doing good.