TV techs!? Urgent question


Senior member
Feb 7, 2007
Okay I'm a PC technician. We sometimes diagnose TV problems but we're not really that good at it. Here's the thing. This girl I'm talking to asked me to come over and take a look at her TV. It's a Phillips 60" HDTV. I'm guessing it's rear projection based, but whether it be DLP, LCD or CRT is completely unknown to me at this time.

Here's the thing, I know I won't be able to fix it unless it's something software related like maybe the red hue is too high or her component cables aren't fully input or the picture needs to be calibrated, but I'd at least like to know what I'm talking about when I tell her what needs to be fixed/replaced. So can you guys give me some pointers as to what could "generally" be wrong with an HDTV and the signs to tell?

All she told me is that it has a color problem.

What I'm thinking is that problem with some LCD's or projection TV's where there's like a multi colored ripple affect along the screen. I can also tell if the bulb is too hot and it's burning the center. I can tell dead pixels obviously or maybe when the bulb is going out, but I'd still like a top ten "This is what is wrong, this is how you tell, this is what needs to be fixed" guide.

Please help a guy win a girl's impression!

Before shower update: She called and told me, "I don't know how to explain it, it looks like those 3d movies when you don't have the glasses on".

I'm thinking this definitely sounds like a convergence problem. That's only present with CRT rear projection TV's right? Because of the three color rasters? Is there any concrete way of knowing which TV's are or are not compatible with the service mode code? 0 6 2 5 9 6/7 > Menu, info+, status code.

I just hope it's not a convergence problem WITHOUT the service code, I heard in order to enter service mode on a Phillips without the Magnavox code, you have to short the PCB inside the unit and risk frying the motherboard.


Nov 12, 2004
Convergence issue. Likely just have to realign the guns if its a CRT projection.

Some CRT projections have a user run recalibration. It won't be perfect but it will improve the picture if its way off. Check the menu of the TV for it. It involved aligning a test pattern of Red, green and blue. Do it manually if possible.


Senior member
Feb 7, 2007
In terms of manual calibration, I know I have to pull the back panel but is there like a set in stone way of calibrating the rasters, like I'll need a screw driver or something? Hopefully it has the service mode menu.


Nov 12, 2004
Originally posted by: NamelessMC
In terms of manual calibration, I know I have to pull the back panel but is there like a set in stone way of calibrating the rasters, like I'll need a screw driver or something? Hopefully it has the service mode menu.

By manual calibration I was referring to the fact that some sets have a calibration mode in the Normal user menu. I've seen it on some sets I sold years back.

I have never calibrated the alignment via the methods you have already mentioned. However, maybe someone who has will come by and lend a hand should that be necessary.


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2002
It could be more complex than that. My old Hitachi SDTV RP had a problem that exhibited itself similarly to how she described her problem. As it turns out, there was a part that had to be replaced - no amount of user fiddling could have fixed it. The part itself was pretty cheap but we ended up spending about $125 total to have it replaced including labor as it wasn't easily diagnosed initially.