TV-Out Annoyances...


Senior member
Dec 15, 2001
I'm trying to get TV-out working on my Zenith TV and my GeForce3, but apparently the card or the TV don't like me.

The s-video composite cable is plugged into the TV from the GeForce3, but I can't seem to get the GF3 to mirror what I see on my Samsung 995DF onto my TV.

I can only get it to use my TV as a primary display if I unplug the 955DF, but then I only get 4-bit colour.

Can anyone help? This is getting VERY frustrating.


Senior member
Nov 1, 2002
i dont think the gf3 can do dual display type stuff

only one will work at any given moment i believe

try another tv to see if the 4bit color problem exists
(or maybe go into properties and see if you can adjust color depth on tv out)


Senior member
Dec 6, 2001
Your card is not capable of running both the monitor at the TV at the same time.

It can do mirroring with tvtool but due to the RAMDAC on your card only being able to operate a single output your monitor will be fed the same signal the TV Out encoder chip gets fed. Therefore your monitor will run at 800x600 60hz.

In your Display control panel you will have a option to switch between the two. Make sure your TV is plugged in and switch it accordingly.