TV above monitors.


Diamond Member
Oct 23, 2002
I've always wondered why so many 'Battle stations' have a larger TV/Monitor above the rest of their setup. Seemed uncomfortable to watch or play anything on and just kind of... useless. But now I'm thinking I'd actually like one to throw Twitch/Sports streams (British Open on now got me thinking about this) up while I'm working on the normal monitors. I don't have room on my desk for a third monitor, so one is taken up by my work computer and the other my normal computer. That leaves... looking above!

Is there anything specific too look for in a TV attached to a computer? I don't care about refresh rate or lag because this will strictly be used for watching streams or displaying static data. Thinking I want the cheapest 4k 40" I can find.


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2010
Was 40" a random number or is that your maximum size? From what I've been able to see there aren't too many choices in 40" but there are a lot in 43". And you'll definitely want a smart TV so you can just grab the remote and hit Netflix, Amazon or whatever. Believe it or not, running those things via your computer takes up a chunk of RAM, and if you can save that RAM use by using the smart TV's built in netflix through roku or whatever it's worth it. Although I don't even know if 4k TVs that aren't smart are made anymore.


Diamond Member
Oct 23, 2002
40 is just what i made up, but 43 would probably be fine too. Basically depends what comes along in a sale first.