Turkish Armed Forces Strike PKK Camps in N. Iraq


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Remember back when people were warning that Turkey wasn't going to stand for any Kurdish state on their border? Well, guess what, Turkey isn't standing for it.

Another fiasco brought to you by king george. In bush's court they don't need a jester. bush fills that role too.

Turkish Armed Forces Strike PKK Camps in N. Iraq

By National News Desk, Istanbul
Published: Saturday, April 29, 2006

The Turkish armed forces have launched their first military operation along the Iraqi border where Turkish troops have concentrated for days.

The Northern Iraqi cities of Amedi and Zaho, sheltering Kurdish Workers' Party (PKK) militants, were hit with mortar attacks in ?Operation Crescent.?

First reports say that locations where militants were lodged in the regions of Geliye, Pisaxa, Pirbela, Sheshdara, Sheranish and Elanish were demolished.

The "Burgundy Beret" units performed a recognizance mission in the area a while ago as part of the Special Forces Command.

Troop deployment to the region from different parts of the country continues.

Along with the transfer of commandos, heavy construction equipment is also being brought to the border for use during a possible cross-border operation.

The Iranian military extended their operation 10 kilometers to maintain security along the border.

A security cordon has been established to ensure the safety of troops that check not only Mt. Cudi, but other passages and routes for safety.

There is also top-level security present en route to the Border Gate Habur-2.

In another development, Kurdish militias (Peshmergas) under the leadership of Massoud Barzani tightened security measures along the Northern Iraqi border.

On Thursday, a statement from Barzani called attention to a plea for cessation of external intervention in Iraq's domestic affairs. The need for agreement between officials from both Turkey and North Iraq was stressed.

Mehmet Gunes, a truck driver, said something interesting while on routine transit through the Border Gate Habur. "We are well accustomed to seeing such things. It?s the media that magnifies what we consider normal, I think." Gunes also said that the truck drivers are not having any problem transiting border gates for the moment.

There is not any unusual military activity going on here against North Iraq, said Gunes, and some residents here are still unaware of the recent developments.

The Operation Crescent, a cross-border operation, is remarkable for one other thing: the exclusion of village guards from the operation.


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Second source...


ANKARA [MENL] -- Iraq has become increasingly concerned over a major Turkish military invasion of Kurdistan.

The two countries have met to discuss what diplomatic sources said was Turkish military deployment along the Iraqi border. The sources said Baghdad asserted that Turkish troops have been entering Iraq in pursuit of Kurdish insurgents.

"This [deployment] is only aimed to prevent infiltrations of the terrorist organization into Turkey," Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul said. "Our security forces are taking measures because with the arrival of spring the terrorists have become active and are infiltrating our borders."

So far, the Turkish military was said to have penetrated 10 kilometers into Iraq in the operation against the Kurdish Workers Party, or PKK. Ankara has been aided by a 2,000-soldier Turkish contingent, based in northern Iraq prior to the U.S.-led invasion in 2003


Sep 28, 2002
absolute sad that the territorial integrity of Iraq is being compromised. The sad part is the article talks about "talks between North Iraq and Turkey" to try to assert Kurdish independence from the rest of the country that is ~80% Arab. Rather than "talks between North Iraq and Turkey" we should be seeing the military force from Baghdad being DEPOLYED to the North to meet this Turkish agression and defend the liberty of Iraqis in the North. Kurds try to come in and attack some villages, you begin to bomb their positions, as well as their supply lines, and any base that they came from. Turkey can oppress their population all they want, but they cross a line when they try to opress the population of another country- as far as Iraq should be concerned Kurds should have all the same abilties to advance without fear of being attacked.

The sad part is that CERTAIN Kurds in Iraq themselves try to distance themselves, which will only hurt them further....so what can you do in a situation where many Kurdish dominated areas refuse to integrate Arabs into their units? Time will tell what will happen.


Jun 3, 2003

Iraqi Kurds have supported and probably are still supporting Kurdish terrorists in Turkey. There will never be a Kurdistan. Iraqi Arab Shiites, Arab Sunnis along with the Turks and Iranians will never allow it. The Kurds need to get used to the idea.


Sep 28, 2002
You know what Aimster...I wouldn't doubt that happened for a minute. Both Turkey and Iran are not the best neighbors to have; and what kept them in check was Saddam's army.

During the time of Saddam before the Gulf War, the Tigris and Eurphrates would always be full flowing because Iraq could ensure that its water interests were protected because it could exert force is need be; after the gulf war and effectively shutting Saddam off from the North, the Turks had nothing to fear from, and literally cut off almost all of the water to turn it to its own uses. Those two majestic rivers became a trickle of what they originally were in Iraq, and I wouldn't be suprised if they still ARE a trickle. NOTE: This is not to say Saddam is a good guy, but it is to show that without a force to be recknoed with, you will be pushed around easyil.

The collapse of Iraq as a power lead to a small vaccum in which countries like Turkey took advantage of (Turkish incrusions into Iraq are nothing new); now the reduction of the country to a puppet status without authority has put a bigger power vaccum which is abused even more.