Turkey Day Runs

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Jun 23, 2001
So, who got up at the crack of dawn today for a Turkey Trot run?

Thanksgiving 2009 was my 4th time doing the ARR's Thanksgiving Day Classic. Previous years have all been around 1hr20min for the 10 miler for me. The top three finishers in each age group win pies, which was my goal this year. Unfortunately, my 1hr15min time was insufficient for this. Looks like I need to post 60min or less to get a pie. Bah.

On the plus side, because I have an Arizona Road Racers membership, I got a 'free' 2010 Running Log/Calendar. Its pretty slick, its got every major 1M, 5K, 5M, 8K, 10M, Half Marathon, Full Marathon, and a few Ultras sorted by date, with contact information websites, pricing, etc. Very useful.

As a consolation prize, since I stayed behind to help out, I got a pie anyway from the Pie Fairy.

Unfortunately, I do not believe I will ever be fast enough to actually win a pie at this event. :(

Finished in 133rd place overall out of more than 500 people in the 10M, not too shabby compared to previous years.

Edit - Now that the official results are up, I need to revise my original statement about my performance. My time remains the same, however, I placed 135th places out of 683 participants, and 14th out of 28th in my age division.
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Nov 9, 2000
Well, you beat your previous times by 5 minutes, congrats for that man. Nothing to be ashamed about there.

I didn't run today, as a form of compromise I stay home with the wife on the major holidays. Tomorrow I have a 5 mile fun run with Fleet Feet Sports of Rochester. Then they serve us a waffle breakfast and allow us into their store early for some Black Friday madness. Should be a good time overall.


Sep 17, 2002
I got up for a 8K turkey trot. Was hoping to go for a good time...but this ended up being one of my worst runs ever.

I crested the 1 mile mark at a 5:50 a minute pace only to have the worst dump pains ever..I b-lined for a porta-john and took the fastest crap in my life. I bolted out of the porta-john trying to regain my position in the run. Then the shoelace monster showed up and somehow my left foot shoelace lassoed my right foot which turned into a dramatic roll, a botched knee, and some pretty scrapes on my hands. I recovered quickly and basically just added an extra knot in my left shoe. Big mistake. On the last mile of the run, my shoe lace had come undone again, what do you know... lassoed my right foot again causing another spectacular fall. I stopped and did a proper re-lacing of my shoe and went on to finish. Still got a 35:09...but no where near the time I was shooting for...oh well...it was nice to get up and get an invigorating run in before a fairly sedentary day.

Hope everyone else had a little more luck on their runs.


Jun 23, 2001
I got up for a 8K turkey trot. Was hoping to go for a good time...but this ended up being one of my worst runs ever.

I crested the 1 mile mark at a 5:50 a minute pace only to have the worst dump pains ever..I b-lined for a porta-john and took the fastest crap in my life. I bolted out of the porta-john trying to regain my position in the run. Then the shoelace monster showed up and somehow my left foot shoelace lassoed my right foot which turned into a dramatic roll, a botched knee, and some pretty scrapes on my hands. I recovered quickly and basically just added an extra knot in my left shoe. Big mistake. On the last mile of the run, my shoe lace had come undone again, what do you know... lassoed my right foot again causing another spectacular fall. I stopped and did a proper re-lacing of my shoe and went on to finish. Still got a 35:09...but no where near the time I was shooting for...oh well...it was nice to get up and get an invigorating run in before a fairly sedentary day.

Hope everyone else had a little more luck on their runs.

That blows. Murphy's Law strikes again.


Nov 9, 2000
Whoah, that's a horrible run Pete. Thankfully you weren't injured in those falls.

The weather was so nice today, I wanted to go out for a run so bad. But I compromise and stay home on holidays. Tomorrow is supposed to be 20 degrees cooler and snowy/rainy. yuck


Sep 17, 2002
Whoah, that's a horrible run Pete. Thankfully you weren't injured in those falls.

The weather was so nice today, I wanted to go out for a run so bad. But I compromise and stay home on holidays. Tomorrow is supposed to be 20 degrees cooler and snowy/rainy. yuck

Appreciate it guys... but in the end it was just a funny story since I really had no serious injuries other than a minor bum knee that I'll walk off in the next day or so. It was beautifu weather todayl and I was really looking for a PR in the 8k...but instead I just got a good story about what a contact sport running can be.
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