Hi I work for a Mortgage company and we use our Fax machine quite a bit. We have to send out faxes that are sometimes 60 pages but the current Fax machine we own is a pain in the ass. Our current Fax Machine is a Panasonic KX-FL511 which has retail price of around $200. The problem with it is it will feed more then 1 page at a time quite often when you put in more then 1 page and we have to stand by the fax machine feeding the thing sometimes for 30minutes.
We need a new Fax Machine that will be very reliable and will not feed more then 1 page through at a time. Also it would be nice to have at least 1page per 6sec but the reliability is the #1 feature I am lookiing for and speed would be 2nd. I dont need some super machine that can do alot of features I just need to send out faxes without worrying about it.
My price range is $200-$350.
Please respond if you work in a office or use a fax machine frequently.
We need a new Fax Machine that will be very reliable and will not feed more then 1 page through at a time. Also it would be nice to have at least 1page per 6sec but the reliability is the #1 feature I am lookiing for and speed would be 2nd. I dont need some super machine that can do alot of features I just need to send out faxes without worrying about it.
My price range is $200-$350.
Please respond if you work in a office or use a fax machine frequently.