Trying to figure out what to major in when I go away to college...


Platinum Member
Mar 30, 2001
Soooo...I'll be a senior in high school in three weeks, and I have to start applying for colleges. I've been trying to figure out what I want to major in (I plan on only getting a Bachelors degree), but am really having a rough time with that. Honestly, the only thing that sounds appealing is Philosophy, but I know that realistically, that won't get me a job anywhere after I graduate. I love working with computers and stuff, but don't want to go into programming or engineering. Programming has never really appealed to me, and honestly, engineering is just way too technical for me. If there was some kind of lower-level degree or some sort of Networking degree (I'm going through a Cisco academy right now), I'd be interested in that, but none of the colleges that I'm looking at have anything of that sort. I'll be entering college with three computer certifications: A+, Net+, and a CCNA. I don't want to spend four years studying something that doesn't interest me, but I also don't want to spend four years studying something that won't be able to get me a decent job. I don't know what to, any of you old-timers out there have any advice for a youngin' like me? ;)




Diamond Member
Apr 26, 2002
woo........tough. bout MIS, CIS, business field. They usually have you do some stuff w/ computers, but not technical such as engineering.......... that' coudl be what you want........

or how bout stuff like graphic design, blah blah blah. heck, w/ all those certifications, you might as well pick one of those companies that employs and work there during your school year.

but then again, this is mainly just a ^bump^, so don't listen to me.