Trying to figure out a decently speedy build for under $600


Junior Member
Jul 29, 2007
1. What YOUR PC will be used for. That means what types of tasks you'll be performing.
Gaming, perhaps some design/photo editing as well

2. What YOUR budget is. A price range is acceptable as long as it's not more than a 20% spread
$600 ~ $650

3. What country YOU will be buying YOUR parts from.

4. IF YOU have a brand preference. That means, are you an Intel-Fanboy, AMD-Fanboy, ATI-Fanboy, nVidia-Fanboy, Seagate-Fanboy, WD-Fanboy, etc.
No preference, just want good performance for the money.

5. If YOU intend on using any of YOUR current parts, and if so, what those parts are.
My monitor, 20.1" LCD. Otherwise I need everything else.

6. IF YOU have searched and/or read similar threads.
I have, but not exactly what I am looking for. Searched for several weeks.

7. IF YOU plan on overclocking or run the system at default speeds.
Stay at default for the most part.

8. What resolution YOU plan on gaming with.
1280x1024, maybe higher

9. WHEN do you plan to build it?
Soon within a couple weeks.

(I live in WA so there's little chance of hitting local comp stores, except maybe BestBuy which is not exactly the best quality for the money I've found)

Couple of additional items:

1. Looking for something quiet and efficient wherever possible. Current comp is a bit loud and inefficient.

2. With PCIE3 on the horizon would it make sense to wait to build for that?