Lol. So they're scared that they'll be treated the way they've been treating minorities all these years? That's hysterical.
Liberals are inclusive, and continue increasing different people into the liberal group. Liberals relish including all sorts of minorities into their group.
Conservatives are exclusive, and they continue excluding more and more people from their exclusive group. They delight being in an exclusive group.
As conservatives exclude more and more people, they notice that everyone else who isn't one of them, are potential competitors for limited resources. And that group of "others" keeps growing as time passes.
So of course they're anxious.
Add on top of that, their thought leaders, who scream at them on the radio and tv that they're the "real Americans", and that liberals who hate America and are traitors who live along the coasts, are coming to take their money and their guns and their (fill in the blank).
Nothing gets out conservative voters quite like fear and anxiety.
And their thought leaders know it. Which is why they never stop screaming at their followers to be afraid.