I'm the last person to want to defend the idiot but bitching about security cost for trips is the height of partisan bullshit. It is always in the best interest of the country to make sure our president and their family are properly protected, and being president does not (and should not) obligate you to avoid traveling. Or, for that matter, playing golf if that's your thing. It's simply part of the cost of running a modern democracy.
No matter who the president happens to be at the time I am of the strong opinion that they are never truly on vacation, and neither vacation nor leisure time should be discouraged or used as a source of political ammunition.
That said I'd really prefer it if he travelled to a place that was not a profit source for him. I'd far rather see him visit one of his personal reaidences (even, somewhat begrudgingly, Trump tower) before a personal business that directly profits from the presence of the security detail.
Viper GTS