There are numerous ways we who hate ourselves deal with our feelings of worthlessness. Generally most of us retain some small grasp on our dignity. We got encouragement from peers or guides in addition to negative feed back, we practice trying not to be completely selfish. We set goals that make us better people and accomplish them. We can give up and prove that we are in fact worthless by unadulterated self satisfaction and selfishness, or we can pretend to ourselves that we are good. In that case we will seek as much negative feed back as is possible so that we can stand up and announce to the world we are indifferent to such criticism, that we are impervious to any put down. But we need to maintain a constant attack against ourselves by actually being assholes for that strategy to work. You can't maintain a pretense of profound worthiness if you don't have the fact of being utter scum to pretend against. Trump is deeply mentally ill. He is driven to be an asshole to in order to pretend to be a saint.