Donald is preaching to his choir, and his choir doesn't care if he lies his ass off. They would rather indulge themselves and luxuriate themselves and bask in his lies because his lies are the salve that soothes their souls whereas the truth and the facts of the matter is too much to bear, too bothersome to ponder over and has completely nothing to do with how they like to feel about things.
Trump can keep telling them that Mexico will pay for his wall and they will ignore the reality that its never going to happen. His supporters have already seen how he is intent on taking their health care away, how he gave himself and the corporations that are a part of the swamp that he promised to drain a huge tax cut while giving his supporters chump change that will expire a little ways down the road, and that's just for starters.
His supporters chose to ignore the fact that Trump reneged on his promises to them but would rather believe the lies that got them to vote for him, lies that to this very day have been debunked time and time again.
That Trump now claims he didn't fire Comey in order to obstruct the Russia investigation will of course be taken as gospel by his believers even as many of them know for a fact that he is lying. Trump is their leader, he is their role model, their champion, their racist appeasing ruler who knows and understands their concerns regarding the evil Muslims and Mexicans and those Puerto Ricans who complained about his lack of concern over "the minor damage and deaths" they suffered from the hurricane.
That's what they want as their leader because he is addressing their aforementioned heartfelt concerns.