Trump Administration doxxing Democrat candidates with security clearances?


Dec 12, 2000

C.I.A. Officer-Turned-Candidate Says PAC Obtained Her [Full, Unredacted, Includes SSN] Security Application [via FOIA Request]

A former C.I.A. officer running for Congress accused a super PAC aligned with Speaker Paul D. Ryan on Tuesday of improperly obtaining her entire federal security clearance application — a highly sensitive document containing extensive personal information — and then using it for political purposes.

Abigail Spanberger, the Democratic candidate challenging Representative Dave Brat of Virginia, sent a cease-and-desist letter to Corry Bliss, the executive director of the Congressional Leadership Fund, which has raised more than $100 million to help Republicans in the midterm elections. She demanded that the super PAC destroy all copies of the form and agree to not use the information in any fashion.

“I write as a former civil servant and as an American, in shock and anger, that you have tried to exploit my service to our country by exposing my most personal information in the name of politics,” she wrote.

The super PAC released a statement on Tuesday strongly denying Ms. Spanberger’s charge, saying that the document was obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request filed with the United States Postal Service by America Rising, a separate Republican-aligned research firm.
Graham Wilson, a lawyer for Ms. Spanberger’s campaign, said that explanation, which laid the mistake on the Postal Service, did not ring true. “In this unredacted form, this is not a document that the government can provide under the Privacy Act,” he said.

Ms. Spanberger, 39, said in the letter that she had “clear evidence” that the Congressional Leadership Fund had provided a copy of her security clearance application to “at least one news outlet,” adding, “I am not aware of any legal way that C.L.F. could have this document.” In an interview, she said that she suspected that the group was trying to exploit a brief time when she taught at a private Islamic school funded by Saudi Arabia.

The super PAC validated that suspicion in its response, going on at some length to try to link the school — called “Terror High” in an earlier news article — to terrorist activity.

The application was one of two that she completed for government positions, for a law enforcement job at the Postal Service and for her position with the Central Intelligence Agency.

At a political event this month, Ms. Spanberger said she was approached by a reporter for The Associated Press, who showed her a copy of the security form and said the leadership fund had provided the document on a background basis, meaning that the source would typically not be named. The reporter pulled up a copy of the form on his email, and Ms. Spanberger said she was “100 percent” certain it was hers.

The forms ask for detailed personal information about work and health and also include vital data like a Social Security number.
Ms. Spanberger is among more than a dozen Democratic candidates this year with strong background in national security through service in the military or at the intelligence agencies.

Representative Ben Ray Luján, Democrat of New Mexico and the chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, sent a letter on Tuesday to more than a dozen candidates in his party making them aware of Ms. Spanberger’s complaint and urging caution.

“This is an official government document that only President Trump’s administration should have in its possession in its unredacted form,” Mr. Luján said.

“To be clear, we have no reason to believe that Republican groups have illegally obtained any of your personnel files, nor are we certain how C.L.F. got Ms. Spanberger’s document in the first place,” Mr. Luján said. “But even the evidence of this isolated incident is deeply troubling.”


Still believe there was "no collusion"???
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Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004
It's not collusion as such, it's just the Republicans making it patently clear that they want one-party rule and are willing to violate the law to make it happen.
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May 15, 2000
Sounds like the work of the deep state to me.

Politicizing private, classified information is certainly a new low.

Fucking traitors!


Jun 30, 2003
wow i'd be fucking livid. i hope she is able to succeed in some sort of legal action against them. anyone who's had to fill out an SF86 knows it's no joke. years of contact history, places lived, financial disclosures, etc. all so the government can determine if you are clearance-worthy.


Jul 2, 2005
Weaponizing government assets against its own citizens for the purpose of maintaining power.
How is this not ... what the hell is it?

I seem to remember a European country that did this in the 1930s and it didn't turn out too well for them.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
If it is found out that the Trump admin did this, then I think all parties involved should be terminated and impeached if necessary. However, that's a lot to find out. Perhaps an IG investigation would be the most appropriate step to find out how this document made it out there.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I like how the PAC's denial is not that they obtained her personal information and used it to attack her, but that they did so legally.

LoL. Republicans are a bunch of immoral, unethical motherfuckers and they don't give a shit.


Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2011
Weaponizing government assets against its own citizens for the purpose of maintaining power.
How is this not ... what the hell is it?

This crap within the GOP has been building since the mid 90's. I've watched the GOP and its support systems degrade to this level of shit for a long time. Back in the 80's you had the crazy Christians making a racket but they still understood what the job was really about.

Anyone who pulls the "they all do it card" should be punched in the junk. Isolated cases on other side do not compare to a fully formed organizational game plan.
This has been exclusive to the GOP and their backers, It's part of their long game.


Mar 17, 2008
Something new is going on.. go to dons twitter and find the tweet that starts with "STATEMENT FROM THE WHITE HOUSE" and twenty tweets forward. It is the same looney but no where in hell did Trump write all that up... Someone else is sitting at the tweetcannon right now.. someone new.
Nov 29, 2006
Just when i thought the GOP couldn't get anymore immoral and lower, they go and do this. AND TOTALLY REDEEM THEMSELVES!!


Oct 22, 1999
This is horseshit. Whoever is behind it should see jail time.

This is exactly why I am against mad collection of citizen's data by the NSA, it will be weaponized for political gain.
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Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2001
I like how the PAC's denial is not that they obtained her personal information and used it to attack her, but that they did so legally.

LoL. Republicans are a bunch of immoral, unethical motherfuckers and they don't give a shit.

Yes just like the Catholics covering for their pedophile priests, Republican voters seem to be cool with illegal activities as long as they are committed by the GOP and not some brown liberals. The ends justify the means to keep the power.

It should be obvious to all true Americans by now that the #1 threat to freedom and democracy is not Hispanics, or black people, or socialists handing out blankets to the homeless. Hell, it's not even Europe regardless of the bullshit lies that the President spews.

From the Russian funded NRA, to Walmarts being turned into interment camps to purify the country, to the Kremlin providing material support to the Republican party, we are already living under authoritarian rule. Hell they are even calling black people monkeys right on TV now. How long will it be until a post like this gets a citizen arrested by the goons?
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Oct 18, 2013
This is the type of stuff people need to be aware of. Hopefully, things like this are the the headlines going into the elections.


Feb 24, 2009
Don't know if I'm going to get a request to do another Periodic Review before I retire. If I get a request, I will refuse to be subjected to this unbelievable intrusion into my personal life, when I now know that this information is being released on the whims of our Child In Chief. I will retire early if necessary.
Trump and anyone who voted for him can go F themselves.
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Nov 11, 1999

US Postal Service takes the blame for releasing Democratic House candidate Abigail Spanberger's sensitive personal data

Pass the buck to the Post Office. So the incompetence goes all through the administration.
Right now is looks like the dog ate my homework excuse.

Or, some poor shlub at the post office is crawling on the carpet begging forgiveness. And the GOP will use anything they can get.