Troubleshoot LCD monitor, solid white screen after 30 mins.


Jul 28, 2003
I bought a new Soyo 24 inch lcd and have only had it for two days. I am going to return it and get a new one.

Dual lcd monitor setup with Vista running native 1900x1200(new 24") and 1280x1024 (19" 1y/o) with a 7900gs card.

It runs good for 30 mins and then the whole screen turns really bright white. When I unplug the dvi port the screen stays white with no signal warning. The second monitor works fine. I even switch the ports around.

Does anyone have a idea on whats up. I've never run into this problem. Google didn't give much help. My fear is that my card doesn't like 1900 x 1200, but I am willing to bet that I just got a bad monitor.