Trouble connecting PC to apple network


Platinum Member
Dec 29, 2004
I am working for my cousin for the summer and im living in his spare apartment. He has a brand new airport extreme router to use. Hes got all macs and one PC hard wired to a swtich. Now my laptop and ipod touch will connect with no issues. How ever i cannot get my PC with old school Netgear MA101 wireless card to connect. The card is a older 802.11b adapter but i dont think that would make a difference would it? Anyway, the network does appear in the "choose a network" window. When i click on it, it trys to connect but i come up with a error that states "Windows in unable to connect to the selected network. The net work may no longer be in range. Please refresh the list of networks and try again." I do that and i get the error over and over again. All drivers are current. the router is 1 wall and 50ft away so its not as if the connection is not getting to me. Any ideas?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2007
Well all newer apple hardware using tcp/ip just like any windows system, by default. Some routers are only a or b/g I don't know why a new router would be... 802.11b and g both operate at 5ghz and anything new should work on both without issue. Also make sure there is no security on the router, or make sure you've got the correct encryption type and password.


Platinum Member
Apr 10, 2004
The issue is likely that the old 802.11b adapter doesn't support WPA encryption and the Airport router is using WPA for encryption. Best thing to do is upgrade your wireless adapter to a newer one that will work.


Platinum Member
Dec 29, 2004
See i dont even get to the point to type in the password. I was hoping i can try to get around that cuz i have my other newer one up at school and i forgot to grab it. Maybe i iwll have to get a new one for cheap