I am working for my cousin for the summer and im living in his spare apartment. He has a brand new airport extreme router to use. Hes got all macs and one PC hard wired to a swtich. Now my laptop and ipod touch will connect with no issues. How ever i cannot get my PC with old school Netgear MA101 wireless card to connect. The card is a older 802.11b adapter but i dont think that would make a difference would it? Anyway, the network does appear in the "choose a network" window. When i click on it, it trys to connect but i come up with a error that states "Windows in unable to connect to the selected network. The net work may no longer be in range. Please refresh the list of networks and try again." I do that and i get the error over and over again. All drivers are current. the router is 1 wall and 50ft away so its not as if the connection is not getting to me. Any ideas?