Well this debacle sure didn't turn out quite the way I intended. :hmm:
It seems as though I've trolled hardest and thrown the legitimacy of an entire sub forum into question without even trying to do so. Maybe discussing Jesus in any serious capacity is just too taboo a subject and people are too sensitive to indulge having their faith called into question. (is it truly faith if it is never tested or held to scrutiny? I digress...) Or maybe it's because I personally have had a history of being a troll on ATOT.
I am a Liberal. And I do believe there is a measure of hypocicy in the Republican party in matters of being proponents of Jesus while simultaneously being proponents of Capitalism, a system I do not believe Jesus ever would have advocated for. For that matter, I believe there is even more wrong with the party that I have unintentionally brought out in the outright unwillingness to confront this issue and simply dismiss it callously out of hand. But the latter goes beyond the scope of what I hoped to achieve with my thread. And though I may relish in those I disagree with exposing another flaw in their party, I don't want to undermine discussion club or the legitimacy of the discussion contained there in, so allow me to clear the air.
I came to anandtech years ago to learn how to build computers. Everyone was so friendly and helpful that I gradually branched out to the other forums. But when I reached the P and N forums, I could scarcely believe how crazy the topics and people were. Instead of trying to reason with those I perceived to be insane, I opted to preach insanity to the insane instead, becoming a self parody of just how much of a mockery the board and the people contained there in had allowed themselves to become. I've had great success in trolling P and N time and time again. And perhaps that earned reputation as a troll is why my topic is being called into question now. But I can assure everyone here, right or wrong, defensible or indefensible, my opinions in Discussion board reflect my genuine thoughts and are not an attempt at a troll.
I am passionate about my opinions. But I don't believe they are always infallible. That is the very reason why I posted such a thread, to have my opinion held to scrutiny. I wanted conservatives that held Jesus dear to explain their thoughts on how they believe their political views today can be reconciled with their champion's actions and beliefs, disputing my question of whether the man had been warped and re appropriated into something suitable and convenient for the parties current behavior. (The same question could be raised on Reagan, this all boils down to an underlying issue of perception and glossing over some inconvenient facts) But most of all I got were comments simply dismissing my points instead of actually attempting to tackle them. The audacity of having ones views or religion called into question were apparently too much. All I wanted was an earnest discussion on Jesus and if the Republicans that hold him dear really follow his ideals. But it would appear I've inadvertently drawn out something far more insidious.
In any event, if any of you have beef, your beef is with me. Not with Discussion Club. If you want to criticize my opinions, then let's go there and have that discussion. Spare me the crying and whimpering of your views being challenged and explain why I'm wrong. We already have a political forum I perceive to be pathetic. Discussion club should be spared a similar fate. You're going to have your views called into question. That is what having an honest, possibly even gut wrenching discussion in a board like this is all about.