Not always true. With DirectX games (most games), if you are maintaining your FPS at your refresh rate, triple buffering increases latency.Less input lag than two buffer v-sync. More lag than no v-sync at all.
Yes! Just by the nature of triple buffering, you will always be one frame refresh behind. At 60Hz that is 16ms. A lot of people will not notice it but if you're the type to run your mouse at 1000Hz on a USB port, you most definitely will.As long as you have to "wait" to show a new frame, you will always have a "lag" between what you see and where you are located in the 3D space. It's the case with v-sync, tripple buffering, g-sync, every-sync, ...
Yes, you can play with the fps, hz, buffering type tp minimize the lag, but you can not remove it, unless you remove the "waiting"
Any buffering will add latency over not buffering. Do the people who think otherwise not know what the word buffer means?