the header says "128MB pc133 cas2 Micron Lifetime warrenty RAM for $124" so I look at the # of bids & there's 1 bid. of course when you read this, what catches your attention is "cas2" "micron" "LIFETIME warrenty" so of course this sounds good to overclockers, & the description is pretty long as it keeps repeating the quality & how 133mhz is so cool, & the fact that it can go up to 150mhz+, noted all this writing is done in bold rainbow color & large font size, then all the way in the middle of the page, they decide to put the font size down to normal, like this writing size & decided to change the coloring to black & not make it too flashy to say cas2, & then use size 8 or smaller fonts in parenthesis & say at pc100 & cas3 at pc133, the next line they say test at 150+ in bold color & below this is a paragraph even finer text, which i guess must be the fine print in a probably size 6 font in italic to make reading easier, which i didn't read but it's obvious that the lesson here is "we should never read the plain text but only the ones in bold bright color in large font size" & 1 lucky person will get this "quality" ram really soon.