Travel Nightmares - Share Your Stories

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Sep 20, 2007
Just had my own little travel nightmare last weekend. Thought I'd create a thread for you guys to share your stories to make me feel better. :p

First here's mine, dealing with, Air Canada, and United Airlines.

I had booked a flight to Washington DC to visit my gf last weekend. You know where this is going... Well, of course that storm hit. Was supposed to leave Saturday morning but I get a call from United Airlines on Friday informing me that my flight has been cancelled. Of course I wasn't the one who answered the phone and the person that did didn't get all the info. United didn't leave a number either. So I check their website and it tells me my flight is still on. So I call Expedia and they said according to their info the flight was still on. The girl said the call was probably a mistake, and to call United. I ask her what I should do. She suggests I just show up at the airport and if there's any issues I can fix them at the desk. She gives me a 1800 number. Call United, yes, flight is cancelled, would you like to rebook. Yes, rebook. Get a call two hours later. That flight's been cancelled. Book on another. Yes. Another call... that's been cancelled! Call Expedia again. They keep telling me to call United. Spend two hours on the phone trying to get a hold of them. So I'm on the phone until midnight with United, they finally get me on this 8:40am flight on Saturday through Air Canada. Exchanges my ticket with them.

I get up at 5am the next morning after 4 hours sleep, check the departure boards and find that it's been cancelled due to weather. I phone Expedia, they tell me they have no info and to phone Air Canada. I phone Air Canada, and I'm on hold for half an hour. Then the idiot at Air Canada explains to me that United had just bought seats and I would have to phone them and that there was nothing he could do. Phone United again, sit on hold for 2 hours! Finally get a Saturday evening flight. An hour later, cancelled. Phone Expedia to find out what the hell is going on. Expedia keeps saying I would have to call United back. Me being the fool thinks that because they're my travel agent, Expedia should be arranging this stuff. I ask them to call United for me to see what they can do. They tell me that I would have to phone United's 1800 number again and sit on hold for two hours. I tell them I already did that and try reason with them, they must have some sort of direct line to the airline. Guy tells me no, I talk to his supervisor, get the same BS that the nation's largest travel agent apparently does bookings through joe blow's 1800 line. I ask them to please just handle it after all I was paying them to. Guy hums and haws. I ask if he has a direct line that I could speak to him if I run into any more trouble. Tells me he doesn't. He's lying of course. (I work in this industry btw) He tells me to go to the airport and sort it out at the United desk in person if I don't want to be on the phone.

So later that day after more hours on the phone, I get another flight on United for Sunday evening. Great, everything's fine. No phone calls all Sunday. Toronto Airport's departure board shows everything's a go. Get my stuff ready, drive half an hour to the airport so I can be there two hours before my flight as per protocol. Get in line at the United desk. They're checking people in. Then this lady walks out and and informs us that the Washington flight is cancelled. She then starts handing out sheets of paper and says we'd have to phone the 1800 number on the sheet to rebook. This is after Expedia told me, twice, that if I had any problems I could rebook at the United desk, at the airport, which is where I was! I just loose it at this point. I storm out of there, accidentally knocking over one of the rope barrier stands in the process. It gets better though.

I call my gf and tell her I just couldn't fight with these people anymore. I had to cancel my trip and let her down. I wasn't going to get out anyway because the snow was still bad in DC. I get home, and there's a message on my machine from United saying the flight was cancelled; they called about 15 minutes after I left for the airport.

Next morning, I have to go through the process of trying to get my money back. I had insurance thankfully that gave me up to $10,000 trip cancellation coverage. Insurance bought through Expedia. So I get my dad to phone them and get on their insurance line. He's in the contracting business and knows how to negotiate. So he's trying to get them to put the claim through since they're selling it. Guy on the other end refuses to give him any info on what to do and keeps saying that Expedia doesn't handle that. My dad's getting a little upset at the run around, asks who he's supposed to speak to then, and... Expedia hangs up on him!

So I finally track the insurance company down, call them. They put the claim through right away but now I have to wait two weeks to get forms to fill out (in the mail) before they can give me my $800 back for the trip. Thankfully my gf understood but now I don't know when I'll be able to see her again. :(

Ok, so yes the weather was bad and I certainly don't blame Expedia, United, or Air Canada for that. What makes me angry is the complete lack of customer service I received from my travel agent. Once they sell you the package and get your money, you can basically go f--k yourself for all they care. Nobody wants to help you. I can't believe they actually hung up on us. Secondly, United must have known that the other flights would likely have been cancelled so why did they not inform me of this? I only found out that DCs two airports had been closed all weekend after reading the (Canadian!) newspaper on Monday morning. If United knew this, why did they keep booking flights?! Dulles is their hub for gawd's sake. I work in this industry, at a car rental place. If this sort of behaviour happened there, well, we'd be fired for one. We also wouldn't be in business for vary long. If Expedia helped my move my vacation forward a week or two, I would have been happy. I'm off school till the 11th and there's hardly any customers at work so they wouldn't care. Instead Expedia chose to treat me like dirt. Talk about taking the money and running. I'm young (mid 20s) and this was my first time travelling on my own. It's soured me off doing it for a while. I probably made plenty of mistakes but in the end I think I'm fortunate in one way. I can't imagine how they'd treat somebody who had been stranded, as many were.

Moral of the story? Always buy travel insurance for one, and next time I go to DC, I'm driving. I don't care if it takes 6 hours to get there.

Maybe I just needed to vent. lol, though I would love to hear what nightmares you guys have had.


Sep 11, 2005
Man, you exercised A LOT more patience than I could have. If that thing happened to me I would have lost my shit and started cracking skulls.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
That's a terrible experience, but it was a mistake to look at Expedia as a travel agent. But in reality, if the planes aren't flying, nobody could have gotten you where you were headed.


Jul 7, 2003
Planned to ride my bicycle across New Zealand, long ways.

Flew from Seattle to LA, connecting flight in SFO.

Upon deplaning at SFO, my Zune falls off my lap. A wall panel on the plane was dangling, partially disconnected, and after lingering on the flight afterwards searching for the Zune, it was apparent it had fallen through a crack in this damaged piece and into the hull of the aircraft. Gone.

After waiting around SFO for a few hours waiting for my next flight, it ends up canceled. I get put on another flight, many hours later, to LAX.

I arrive at LAX and go to a UPS store to pick up my bike I had shipped to me. I had sort of just hoped that a bike shop would be around to put it together for me. There wasn't one anywhere nearby. I really luck out that a guy gave me a ride way across town with the huge bike in a box to get it put together.

By the time I have the bike and whatnot I've missed my New Zealand flight.

I start riding my bike up north, changing plans and making it a ride across California.

The clothes I'd packed were for summer, I was in winter. I end up overloaded and going broke by carrying summer clothes and having to buy winter clothes.

Running out of money, I take the Amtrak home with an expensive ticket bought at the last minute.

I'm unemployed and broke for 6 months afterward looking for work in the U.S.


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2003
I spent a couple nights in Airports, never really minded as I was flying free.

Airports are kinda cool at night when everyone leaves, I really liked hanging out in O'Hare.


Nov 21, 2001
Going to Guadalajara with the Spanish Club, senior year, spring break. We are flying from Seattle to LA for a connection and while we were in the air, United Airlines goes on strike. No worries, we are flying Mexicana on the next leg. Wrong!
It seems our travel agent had not confirmed our reservations. We really did not have reserved seats on that next flight and you could not go anywhere out of LA, especially a group of 15. Our beleaguered Spanish teacher can't split us up since were are mostly all minors and that was not the deal when we left town.
He finally secures a flight back home on Wednesday, and meanwhile we go to Disneyland and the beach while waiting.
The upshot was, he invited me back next year as a 'chaperone'. I had cousins by marriage in Mexico City, and I slept about 10 hours the whole week. I'd get back from a full day with the students and the cousins would be waiting to take me out on the town, late dinner, you name it.


Golden Member
Nov 2, 2006
Coming back from a business trip to Vancouver, Canada with my co-worker. We were going through customs in Canada to come back to the USA, and my co-worker gets pulled for a luggage inspection while I get waved through. We both eventually get on the plane for our trip home.

We land in Las Vegas, NV and as we pull up to the gate, captain announces that we please remain in our seats while Las Vegas law enforcement boards the plane. Two sheriffs walk down the aisle directly to my co-worker, and ask him if he is so-in-so and then escort him off the plane. We were then allowed to leave the plane.

As I was walking off the plane, I see the officers hand-cuffing him, and I give him that look "What the hell is going on?"...I was thinking the whole time...should I stop and ask? do i want to even say I was with him, omg is he a I had like 5-10 mins to catch my next flight, so I rushed off to catch my flight, but I did pull out my celphone and called our boss. He was going to make some phone calls.

When I landed, I then called his wife and told her what happened. She didn't know why they arrested him, but on hindsite she probably had an idea. A few days later, we discovered he went AWOL a few years ago from the army before coming to work for the company. Pretty amazing he was able to live life..getting a driver's license, renting a house, etc. before they finally picked him up.


Platinum Member
Jul 8, 2002
my most recent travel adventure had me travel delayed getting to Lafayette, Louisiana from Pittsburgh, PA with a layover in Memphis, TN. First,I missed my noon flight b/c parts of the interstate in pittsburgh to the airport were shut down b/c of icy conditions and accidents. Well, i rebook my noon flight to the 530 flight over the phone.. paying the $50 change fee. No biggie, since i didn't have to deal with the massive lines at the airport. The state police actually shut down interstates and state highways as early as 7am that sunday. So, lots of people were delayed to getting to the air port.

I make it to Mempshis, TN a-ok from Pittsburgh. From there things started to go back down hill. We board on the plane like normal. Go through the pre-flight safety briefing. Then.. the pilots inform us we must de-plane while they perform mantainace on the plane.. Well three hours later. we get back on the plane. They go through pre flight briefing. close up the cabin door. Then the new pilots tell us. that weather in lafayette is questionable, but they might be able to find a window for us to land. However we need to take off about ten minutes prior in order to land before the Laffayette Airport shuts down in tower. So we never took off again.

Spent the night in the Memphis airport Hotel. Get booked on the morning flight Laffy. We take off a-ok. Circle around the airport b/c its too foggy to land. Get diverted to shreveport, la. wait an hour. then we take off again to laffy. circlle a bit and then finally land.

Only took 24 hours for what was suppose to be about 7 hrs of total travel. Also, i missed a day of work b/c of the weather. THey cut us loose from the mepmhis airport around 1045pm at night.
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