Tough Decision

Jan 21, 2001
This question is more directed to members who are either out of college/almost out of college but any input is appreciated:
During my time in college I've gone to my own private hell and back. I was in a drug induced haze for about two years and only within the past year and a half have I been able to pick up the pieces and regain some semblance of my former self. I have for the most part quit taking drugs but I have to admit there are times where I have been weak and given in to temptation. Some of those times have been very recent. Now comes the fun part...
I really like this girl... We've been talking to each other for about a year now and we're pretty close but not an "item" yet. She is more of the good girl, and I am "the crazy one" but hey opposites attract right?. We've always had a very open relationship but I don't know if I would be man enough to tell her about the times, especially recently, where I was weak and gave in to former demons. I don't want to lie to her because I respect her more than that, but almost from the beginning of our friendship she knew that I wanted to turn my life around. School-wise I'm doing a lot better than before. Emotionally, I am a lot more stable. I found God when I needed him/her/it most.
Should I tell this girl, that has been in my mind everyday since I met her, that I've been weak and risk pushing her away? Is this something that I can tell her when we're old and grey?? Keep in mind that the girl I like has never done drugs, doesn't smoke, and doesn't drink regularly.


Golden Member
Aug 13, 2000
Go ahead and tell her. If she's as good of a friend as you say she is, she will help you in any way she can. Your desire to give up and recognition of the problem is noble.


May 21, 2001
Depends on what you want more imo. If you want to keep doing drugs, tell her, you want her to like you for who you are. If it was just a weak moment and you're done, no need to tell her anything now.