Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: raildogg
Originally posted by: slick230
Islam, the religion of peace.
Not only one of the biggest Muslims bashers on P&N, but a liar to try to make his case that Muslims are terrorist. 1) You said you were there in NYC during 9/11 and you witnessed the attacks, BS. 2) You said Pakistan is a fake country. You keep saying Pakistan only attacks India and no problems are coming out of India 3) This is what you said about Muslims: Heck, a lot of them think that Israel attacked US on 9/11 and not their fellow muslims. (Really?) 4) You make a thread about a catholic priest being kidnapped in Iraq, post a link and nowhere in that link does it say a Muslim kidnapped him but in your title you say "Muslims". 5) You take the actions of Palestinians and label it as the majority of Muslims. "Muslims danced on the street when 9/11 happend". I clearly told you it was a handful of Palestinians and you still wanted to label it as the general Muslim population to spread your hate. 6) You make a stupid thread about "didn't 9/11 teach us anything" and you have no answer to what you want the U.S to do. The only clear answer is to kick out all the Muslims otherwise your thread is a waste of space. 7) You said you had a "cousin" who recently went to Europe and saw Muslims all over the place wearing traditional clothing etc. You said that right after you made a comment about Muslim terrorist. I didn't know clothing made one a terrorist? 8) I was not "allowed" to compare Iran's population to India's population because Iran is an "islamic regime" and India is "democratic" regime. I didn't know that made people less human?
You are the biggest fool here. Your hate disgust me. Your hate for Muslims is all because of the problems in your country and you continue to blame everything on Pakistan. You get away with your "India is so perfect" crap because nobody here gives a rats ass about India and they dont care what is going on in India to know India has many Hindu terrorist groups. Lets start talking about them?
You're the same fool who said "No terrorist are coming into Iraq from Saudi Arabia". Who the hell says that? Are you a closed-minded person? Majority of the attacks are coming from people from Arab nations with the majority from Saudi Arabia yet they do not cross into Iraq from their own country when they are allowed to? How did you ever graduate high school?
You also believe Iraq had WMD, but you have no proof. You say with absolute fact Syria has Iraq's WMD. No doubt about it. Your proof is some report on some website that nobody has ever heard of.
You lack common sense. You lack the ability the function outside society. I wouldn't be surprised if your mom has to drive you to school every morning and kiss you to bed every night.