Where is this mystical Opteron board with PCI-E slots for sale?Originally posted by: drag
Get dual Opterons. They have PCI Express already.
Dual 1.8ghz (244) and a nice (independant memory busses for each proccessor, cheaper boards share one memory pathway for both proccessors which puts a choke) will run you about a 400 dollars for the motherboard and 327 for each proccessor.
Or get a dual cpu board and a single proccessor (should work) and pay for the 2nd cpu later when the next upgrade comes around and they are cheaper. A 2.4ghz (248) Opteron costs 670 dollars or so.
That way you can have a computer that you can play doom3 + ripping DVD's + downloading crap + whatever else with the same ease as a guy with one Althon64 CPU just plaing Doom3... SMP rocks.
Prices are US.
Originally posted by: Cerb
Where is this mystical Opteron board with PCI-E slots for sale?Originally posted by: drag
Get dual Opterons. They have PCI Express already.
Dual 1.8ghz (244) and a nice (independant memory busses for each proccessor, cheaper boards share one memory pathway for both proccessors which puts a choke) will run you about a 400 dollars for the motherboard and 327 for each proccessor.
Or get a dual cpu board and a single proccessor (should work) and pay for the 2nd cpu later when the next upgrade comes around and they are cheaper. A 2.4ghz (248) Opteron costs 670 dollars or so.
That way you can have a computer that you can play doom3 + ripping DVD's + downloading crap + whatever else with the same ease as a guy with one Althon64 CPU just plaing Doom3... SMP rocks.
Prices are US.
Why yes, we are.Originally posted by: drag
Originally posted by: Cerb
Where is this mystical Opteron board with PCI-E slots for sale?Originally posted by: drag
Get dual Opterons. They have PCI Express already.
Dual 1.8ghz (244) and a nice (independant memory busses for each proccessor, cheaper boards share one memory pathway for both proccessors which puts a choke) will run you about a 400 dollars for the motherboard and 327 for each proccessor.
Or get a dual cpu board and a single proccessor (should work) and pay for the 2nd cpu later when the next upgrade comes around and they are cheaper. A 2.4ghz (248) Opteron costs 670 dollars or so.
That way you can have a computer that you can play doom3 + ripping DVD's + downloading crap + whatever else with the same ease as a guy with one Althon64 CPU just plaing Doom3... SMP rocks.
Prices are US.
My my. Aren't we condensending tonight?
And a few even have PCI-X, AGP and dual sockets.Sorry got PCI-X and PCI-E mixed up again.
Although a few of them do have AGP 8x
Originally posted by: Cerb
It's not worth it to go to 939, unless the prices make it $30 or less for the upgrade from 754. PCI-E is the thing to wait on. Once you can get a mobo w/ PCI-E slots and within your budget, buy. Video and sound depend on what you have and what you do, but for the core components, PCI-E is all you should really wait for.
Socket 754 uses regular memory as well...Originally posted by: NoGodForMe
I'll wait. 939 uses regular memory.
Review sites we're telling everyone that 939 was a month away. Yeah, for them. But for everyone else, it's more like 3 months. I predict August is when 939 boards with PCI will be in stores, and it will be a great Christmas season.