time to get wet =)@Dangerden.com 10% Discount on $50 orders and more + 5% Discount on a Reseller Rating Posting/Rating!


Nov 6, 2002
hurry offer ends December 23rd


December 7th

Christmas Discount Mania!

10% Discount on $50 orders and more!

'Tis the Season! Purchase any product or products totaling over $100 and get a 10% discount. Standard shipping costs do apply. Any orders already placed today will be credited their 10% discount. ENJOY!!! This will be through the end of December 23rd.

*Note* the discount is visible at the bottom of the shopping cart. It doesn't show up in the Discount column. The discount column is used for volume discount. You can tell you have this discount by totaling up your items in the list, and comparing it to the total. Sorry for the confusion, just a limitation with the cart.

5% Discount on a Reseller Rating Posting/Rating!

Danger Den wants to reach the next level of Platinum Plus. Here's how to get the discount...Place an order...get your products...and head over to Reseller Ratings! Just rate your Danger Den experience and include your invoice number in the rating. Send Teri an email that your comment is up and she'll give your order a 5% refund. This is for anyone that's place an order! This promotion will also run through the end of December 23rd

the question is are you getting wet for Christmas ??


i my self will be ordering 2 GPU water coolers


Golden Member
Feb 24, 2001
I purchased a water block for Socket A processors about 8 months ago and the quality is A++. Highly recommended.