Originally posted by: bearxor
To be completely honest, WM stomps just about anything out there right now and probably will until a new major rev of POS. My personal phone of choice is a 700wx right now. I tried a HTC Apache (CDMA Version of above mentioned Wizard) and found it very lacking. Having used every previously released Sprint WM device, I thought it was the worst one I had ever used. Luckily - they switched me out for a 700wx which has been fantastic.
Now, the Treo 680 and the 700p are basically the same thing, except the 680 is antenna-less and GSM, while the 700p has the antenna and is CDMA. So if you're on Cingular, you basically have no choice but to go with the 680. Sprint and Verizon users choose the 700p.
To be completely honest, if you have a 650 right now I wouldn't upgrade. There's almost nothing other than a minor POS software rev bump and a small memory bump to get you to upgrade. If you're dedicated to POS (and there's plenty of peopl that are) I wouldn't upgrade until the release of POS 6, which is looking more and more like Q1 '08.
That's just my opinion though. Wife uses a 650 and we looked at a 700p but just couldn't justify it. Check out the phonescoop comparison:
Good thing Cingular doesn't have a wide-spread WCDMA implementation yet. Something tells me when Cingular gets more than 30 markets rolled out we'll see a new Palm phone (700 probably) with a higher-speed modem. EVDO is a good reason to upgrade from a 650 to a 700 on the CDMA side, but my wife doesn't do internet access at all, soooo...