Due to the age of this thing and unpopularity of PDA's I'm not sure if this is the right place, but I'm still anticipating like a lead or something in the right diretion. I have a PDA, a "Palm visor". I need the drivers and the hotsync functionality, and I was hoping for at least Ti-83 esque graphing funtionality. Can anyone lead me in the right direction? it looks like my model is the "visor" pda, but the site i looked at only lists the visor pro so is mine that outdated? I think It was purchased in 1999 and it has 8MB of memory; looks like the visor pro too since it's silver and stuff but not the exact look...
sorry for being a newb.. and thank you in advance for all positive responses.
sorry for being a newb.. and thank you in advance for all positive responses.