That bit is so wrong that it's just not funny.
(1) Lane splitting is not "legal in some states." It's illegal in
49 states.
Only California allows lane-splitting.
(2) You don't get a jury trial for traffic infractions. You get a judge. A judge who is used to dealing with motorcyclists like
this guy. Which brings us to the next point.
(3) There's not a judge in this country who's going to accept this moron's "I didn't have an accident so it must have been safe" theory.
I've got no problem with lane splitting when legal or with filtering, but even in CA where it's legal the LEO guidance documents I've seen tend to suggest that officers should ticket if traffic is moving more than 25-30 mph OR if the motorcyclist is moving more than 5 mph faster than the speed of traffic (e.g. in stopped traffic a motorcycle can only go 5 mph). Granted these aren't codified laws, but what the author is suggesting is well beyond what any of the official guidance on the subject suggests.
Lastly, I'm completely with Pulsar on the author's apparent total disregard for other people's property. Hit someone's car? Doesn't matter, it's "just" a clacking noise. Absolutely ridiculous.