This is weird


Feb 1, 2008
Donald Trump is the president HERE. (HERE being the United States of America)
He lives HERE.
He does his damage HERE.
We pay the price for his ignorance HERE.
People never protest over HERE. They only protest over THERE.
Over in Ireland, and over in the United Kingdom, they protest against Donald Trump in nearly every free democracy except in the most important free democracy. The free democracy over HERE.
Why is that????

Can't we don anything for ourselves?
Can we not do at least THAT one simple thing? To protest in the streets over HERE?
And not rely on protestors over THERE for the monsters we created over HERE?
For gods sake shouldn't people over HERE take part in this protesting thing?
The monsters we created over HERE that destroy homes and villages over THERE?
As well as over HERE.
In fact, more so over HERE than over THERE.
We over HERE should be the ones inflating the giant BABY TRUMP balloons.
And flying the BABY TRUMP balloons in front of our Whitehouse over HERE.
As well as over THERE.
And everywhere Baby Trump dare show his fat baby face. And that fat baby ass.

Why are we so tolerant of Donald Trump over HERE, and our allies protest over THERE in our behalf?
This can only be explained one way....
It MUST be something in our water.
It must be SOMETHING in our water HERE that keeps us from acting as they do over THERE.
Something in our water to keep us all uncaring and unwilling to get involved.
Or to even give a damn as they do over THERE.

Obviously, THEY over THERE.... they get it.
THEY understand the danger of Donald Trump.
THEY want Donald Trump stopped.
THEY protest to warn the world of Donald Trump.
THEY want noting to do with Donald Trump or his insane idiotic view of the world.
Yet over HERE, we do nothing, zilch, nada, total silence.
We act as sleeping sheep. Zombies consumed with ignorance.
No one seems to care what the hell Donald Trump does over HERE.

So I ask, what have they done to our water over HERE that keeps us from acting as they do over THERE?
And is there anyone over HERE that can do anything about this?
To do something about this over HERE so that they will not need to protest over THERE this threat that all Americans should freaking well be protesting ourselves over HERE?
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Nov 11, 2004
Have you been living under a rock for the past two years? There were mass protests over Trump.


Dec 12, 2000
Didn't we have giant Trump chickens over here last year? I seem to remember those being on tour, but maybe they weren't part of an actual protest?



Golden Member
Aug 3, 2017
When you think about it Putin is the perfect man to leverage Trump. A former Colonel in the first chief directorate of the KGB which was responsible for foreign intelligence gathering and other clandestine operations on foreign soil. During the soviet era. When the soviet union broke up the SVR RF fulfilled this role with the FSB taking on the role of the second chief directorate of the KGB.

Putin is a highly trained, professional intelligence officer. While trump is a mediocre business man with a string of business failures the Taj Mahal casino for example. What chance does he stand against Putin? A man who knows how to run honeypot and covert assassination operations on foreign soil. Hopefully trump will disprove the allegations that he is a Russian intelligence asset soon.

By denouncing the Russian occupation of Crimea and the Russian support of the Donetsk people's republic. While threatening Putin with fire and fury. Unless Putin withdraws from the sovereign country he has invaded. Trump is a strongman and not Putin's puppet.


Golden Member
Aug 3, 2017
One thing you have to remember about trump is that he knows how to wear a big red tie and an obvious comb over. He also knows how to support Vladimir Putin's aggressive foreign policy. Which involves invading other Eastern European countries. Why do I feel like the western world is fucked until trump has been removed as POTUS?

Although as an Australian. Trump is both relevant and irrelevant as Asia pivots towards China. The main problem Trump has with his trade war. Is that lots of countries within Asia have China as their biggest trading partner. Including Australia. In fact Trump's sanctions are an opportunity for us. Particularly in the area of agricultural where Trump has fucked American farmers.

Money always talks. We aren't going to risk Australian jobs for the almighty dickhead currently in the whitehouse. Australia First. It's the only logical conclusion.


Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2006
Donald Trump is the president HERE. (HERE being the United States of America)
He lives HERE.
He does his damage HERE.
We pay the price for his ignorance HERE.
People never protest over HERE. They only protest over THERE.
Over in Ireland, and over in the United Kingdom, they protest against Donald Trump in nearly every free democracy except in the most important free democracy. The free democracy over HERE.
Why is that????

Can't we don anything for ourselves?
Can we not do at least THAT one simple thing? To protest in the streets over HERE?
And not rely on protestors over THERE for the monsters we created over HERE?
For gods sake shouldn't people over HERE take part in this protesting thing?
The monsters we created over HERE that destroy homes and villages over THERE?
As well as over HERE.
In fact, more so over HERE than over THERE.
We over HERE should be the ones inflating the giant BABY TRUMP balloons.
And flying the BABY TRUMP balloons in front of our Whitehouse over HERE.
As well as over THERE.
And everywhere Baby Trump dare show his fat baby face. And that fat baby ass.

Why are we so tolerant of Donald Trump over HERE, and our allies protest over THERE in our behalf?
This can only be explained one way....
It MUST be something in our water.
It must be SOMETHING in our water HERE that keeps us from acting as they do over THERE.
Something in our water to keep us all uncaring and unwilling to get involved.
Or to even give a damn as they do over THERE.

Obviously, THEY over THERE.... they get it.
THEY understand the danger of Donald Trump.
THEY want Donald Trump stopped.
THEY protest to warn the world of Donald Trump.
THEY want noting to do with Donald Trump or his insane idiotic view of the world.
Yet over HERE, we do nothing, zilch, nada, total silence.
We act as sleeping sheep. Zombies consumed with ignorance.
No one seems to care what the hell Donald Trump does over HERE.

So I ask, what have they done to our water over HERE that keeps us from acting as they do over THERE?
And is there anyone over HERE that can do anything about this?
To do something about this over HERE so that they will not need to protest over THERE this threat that all Americans should freaking well be protesting ourselves over HERE?

Just what country do you think invented "FREE SPEACH ZONES" and arrest "legal" protesters who do have a "legally" issued permit to keep them off the street and the news?


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2004
The best form of protest is for the educated to help educate the ass-backward rubes as much as we can, and to encourage the youngsters in this country to get off their asses and vote. Also we need to stay positive, this is likely the last gasp for a portion of society that still wants the 1950's back. Much like a business, the country cannot live or move forward if it stays mired in the past, it needs to grow and prosper.
Feb 4, 2009
Didn't we have giant Trump chickens over here last year? I seem to remember those being on tour, but maybe they weren't part of an actual protest?


I thunk that was leading up to the debates when Trump was signaling he’d skit the Hillary debates
Otherwise I agree we all need to troll Trump much more. Baby Balloons are a good way to do it