This forum has like a virus or sompin and spyware is takin over


Golden Member
Feb 21, 2003
Has anyone noticed taht like half of some peoples names is a link? Or like in the middle of a paragraph a word will be a link

when u click it some spyware crap comes up

i dont think this is my ocmputre i just ran adaware

this happenin to any1 else? looks to me like sum1 is fvckin wit sompin


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
Put down the crack pipe or 40oz, it's messing wit' yu mined. :confused: !???!??

Then format your C: drive to get rid of the linkware.


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2001
No problems here. Try running Spybot as well. Make sure Adaware and Spybot are up to date when you run them.

The spell checker probably read your message and said "ok, I give up."


Dec 29, 2002
Originally posted by: niwi7
Has anyone noticed taht like half of some peoples names is a link? Or like in the middle of a paragraph a word will be a link

when u click it some spyware crap comes up

i dont think this is my ocmputre i just ran adaware

this happenin to any1else? looks to me like sum1 is fvckin wit sompin

you know, its SO hard to type out "one". i wonder how anyone can do it, they must be supermen.

makes me wonder what his other 716 posts looked like. sompin....that is the funniest "word" i have heard in a while.


Dec 3, 2003
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't
mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt
is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae.
The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit
Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by
istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Fcuknig amzanig huh?



Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2003
Originally posted by: Bitdog
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't
mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt
is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae.
The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit
Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by
istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Fcuknig amzanig huh?

1) Repost x 1,000,000
2) niwi, your computer is fubar. give it to me, and I'll dispose of it for you. in other words, everyone else is normal, and you're the odd one out.


Dec 3, 2003
1) Repost x 1,000,000
2) niwi, your computer is fubar. give it to me, and I'll dispose of it for you. in other words, everyone else is normal, and you're the odd one out.

So Amorphus, you were able to read it just fine, and you don't think out of the box.
I can allow others to be different, you should try it.


Golden Member
Oct 16, 1999
ksafjd;ksj xc mew9w fSElk doolf ds lskdfewic...saeppeor ccadsf mvmc,saoewiLDK Lddkfnd ldkf wewoi sdkwoie sldk a siss salei Flkdd dk [LINK DELETED] Ehsiie slidf djowe. AAOIlld!

Nice!!. That link just earned you a month off.
Jan 31, 2002
Originally posted by: Bitdog
1) Repost x 1,000,000
2) niwi, your computer is fubar. give it to me, and I'll dispose of it for you. in other words, everyone else is normal, and you're the odd one out.

So Amorphus, you were able to read it just fine, and you don't think out of the box.
I can allow others to be different, you should try it.

The reason he can "read it just fine" is because like me he saw it over six months ago and it's not funny or intellectual anymore.

Originally posted by: earthman
ksafjd;ksj xc mew9w fSElk doolf ds lskdfewic...saeppeor ccadsf mvmc,saoewiLDK Lddkfnd ldkf wewoi sdkwoie sldk a siss salei Flkdd dk.fjdKKllazc Ehsiie slidf djowe. AAOIlld!

Nice porn link. :disgust:

- M4H


Senior member
Oct 17, 2003
Originally posted by: MercenaryForHire
Originally posted by: Bitdog
1) Repost x 1,000,000
2) niwi, your computer is fubar. give it to me, and I'll dispose of it for you. in other words, everyone else is normal, and you're the odd one out.

So Amorphus, you were able to read it just fine, and you don't think out of the box.
I can allow others to be different, you should try it.

The reason he can "read it just fine" is because like me he saw it over six months ago and it's not funny or intellectual anymore.

Originally posted by: earthman
ksafjd;ksj xc mew9w fSElk doolf ds lskdfewic...saeppeor ccadsf mvmc,saoewiLDK Lddkfnd ldkf wewoi sdkwoie sldk a siss salei Flkdd dk.fjdKKllazc Ehsiie slidf djowe. AAOIlld!

Nice porn link. :disgust:

- M4H

I guess earthman likes Asian boys .


Dec 29, 2002
Jan 31, 2002
Originally posted by: nick1985
Originally posted by: MercenaryForHire
Gee, maybe it was all those P2P programs you loaded.

Like Kazaa.

Or that keystroke logger you picked up.

Or loading a different registry.

Or any other modium of stupidity-founded reasons that shows up when your name in punched into the Search page. Stop dicking around with your computer, because you obviously do not understand how it works. Go buy a Dell.

- M4H

total and complete OWNAGE

<high fives M4H and slides him a :beer:>


- M4H


Dec 3, 2003
The reason he can "read it just fine" is because like me he saw it over six months ago and it's not funny or intellectual anymore.

Agreed, but it seemed approperate for the post subject since it changed from "Virus" to "spelling".
I being a horible speller who doesn't use a spell checker, believe content takes priority to delivery method.
The courts allow motions to be submitted that are scribbled on a candy bar wrappers.
It would be a bleak day, if a letter that could change the world for the better
was discarded based on spelling errors.

Jan 31, 2002
Originally posted by: Bitdog
The reason he can "read it just fine" is because like me he saw it over six months ago and it's not funny or intellectual anymore.

Agreed, but it seemed approperate for the post subject since it changed from "Virus" to "spelling".
I being a horible speller who doesn't use a spell checker, believe content takes priority to delivery method.
The courts allow motions to be submitted that are scribbled on a candy bar wrappers.
It would be a bleak day, if a letter that could change the world for the better
was discarded based on spelling errors.

If content is such a priority to you, why don't you stop with the asinine fortune-cookie prophecies and post some of that yourself.

This guy's computer is owned, you're an arrogant no0btard, earthman enjoys molesting young asian boys, ban the lot of you, thread over.

- M4H


Sep 2, 2002
Originally posted by: nick1985
Originally posted by: niwi7
Has anyone noticed taht like half of some peoples names is a link? Or like in the middle of a paragraph a word will be a link

when u click it some spyware crap comes up

i dont think this is my ocmputre i just ran adaware

this happenin to any1else? looks to me like sum1 is fvckin wit sompin

you know, its SO hard to type out "one". i wonder how anyone can do it, they must be supermen.

makes me wonder what his other 716 posts looked like. sompin....that is the funniest "word" i have heard in a while.

quit nitpicking. that's gotta be the worst post i've ever read. it's ok to nef in a thread, but to attack the way he wants to 'spell' something out is up to him.



Dec 29, 2002
Originally posted by: Sid59
Originally posted by: nick1985
Originally posted by: niwi7
Has anyone noticed taht like half of some peoples names is a link? Or like in the middle of a paragraph a word will be a link

when u click it some spyware crap comes up

i dont think this is my ocmputre i just ran adaware

this happenin to any1else? looks to me like sum1 is fvckin wit sompin

you know, its SO hard to type out "one". i wonder how anyone can do it, they must be supermen.

makes me wonder what his other 716 posts looked like. sompin....that is the funniest "word" i have heard in a while.

quit nitpicking. that's gotta be the worst post i've ever read. it's ok to nef in a thread, but to attack the way he wants to 'spell' something out is up to him.

the WORST post you ever read? did you read his original? you must have skipped over it if you think my response was the worst ever. ne1 agree?
Jan 31, 2002
Originally posted by: Sid59
Originally posted by: nick1985
Originally posted by: niwi7
Has anyone noticed taht like half of some peoples names is a link? Or like in the middle of a paragraph a word will be a link

when u click it some spyware crap comes up

i dont think this is my ocmputre i just ran adaware

this happenin to any1else? looks to me like sum1 is fvckin wit sompin

you know, its SO hard to type out "one". i wonder how anyone can do it, they must be supermen.

makes me wonder what his other 716 posts looked like. sompin....that is the funniest "word" i have heard in a while.

quit nitpicking. that's gotta be the worst post i've ever read. it's ok to nef in a thread, but to attack the way he wants to 'spell' something out is up to him.

Nitpicking would be finding a single error in an otherwise flawless post. When the original effort looks like the result of a asylum escapee typing with his toes while under an assault of angry bees, that's not nitpicking.

- M4H