Thinking of replacing my Logitech MX Revolution mouse


May 19, 2011
A bit of background first:
In the past I ended up with mild RSI in my mouse-using wrist. Due to a recommendation I bought a Logitech Marble FX trackball which I still have after a fashion (I got a spare second-hand for spare parts), which solved the RSI. Since then, I bought a Logitech MX700 which I tried using as my primary mouse rather than the trackball and it worked for me. That failed in warranty which Logitech refunded, I got an MX1000 which also failed in warranty and Logitech refunded, which led to my current mouse, the MX Revolution which has served me well as my primary mouse for possibly 8 years. I still switch to the trackball on the rare occasion that the MXR runs out of battery at an inconvenient moment provided I'm not gaming at that moment.

When using other mice for extended periods my wrist has started playing up from time to time, but the MXR has always been good for me. I think it's a larger than average mouse so it may be supporting my hand better (though I don't think I have particularly large hands for a guy). It also has some handy features such as the wheel that can be set between free-rolling (allowing very fast scrolling down a page) and the standard rolling that 'clicks' down a page three lines at a time. I also like the charging bay (which is what is failing for this mouse and its predecessor IIRC). I don't use any other buttons except left/right/wheel.

So ideally what I'm looking for is a cordless mouse that's a similar shape and size to the MXR. Some pictures of the MXR can be found further down this page:

The successor seems to be the MX Master 2S:

Shape and size looks about right, I like the micro-USB charging mechanism because it makes more use of the micro-USB I always have plugged in in case I want to plug my phone in, and feature-wise it looks as good as / better than the MXR. At £75 it's a bit pricey (this may be due to Brexit inflation, I think I paid £50-£60 for the predecessors). I am conscious of the fact that Logitech's customer service has exceeded my expectations for good customer service, so perhaps I should cut it some slack. 2-year warranty (compared to 5 last time) though, hmm.

Does anyone have any similar mice to recommend?
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Jul 15, 2018
The side where the thumb goes is huge. Are you shure you want that ? If so then grab the MX 25 ...... If your hands are small I wouldn't recommend getting this mouse. Also its going to be hard to lift up the mouse with that thumb place so big. I think the price is a bit steep, I would get a G900 series which is great for desktop work and great for gaming and what have you.

My advice : Stick withi Logitech whatever you do. They truley are the best mouse makers in the world. IMO.

You a gamer ? If so grab a G900 or similar designed logi mouse. Also FYI, if the mouse breaks Logitech will send you brand new one and you don't even have to return what you have. They ask you to return it after they already shipped new one. Ive have many many instances in the past where they tell you to return broken one but you don't have to. They send you new one in 3 days. Best support LOL next to Evga. Thanks
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Mar 15, 2007
i own 2x g903 love them. had g9x logitech's before that. Was so hard to find a mouse that i felt was better than the g9x but the 903 is it. battery lasts so long, cordless so fast precise 80$ shipped i think


May 19, 2011
Thread update: I gave the charging contacts (on both mouse and charging base) a really thorough clean and it's worked first time probably 90% ever since.