Thinking of getting a PS3 and 360 ?


Diamond Member
Jul 4, 2005
I'm considering getting a PS3, but the games I'd like to have for it is in the list below. Does anyone know when any of these will be released ? I have read the several post's about them on different forums...but figured I'd start my own thread to keep track of. And a few other question's also...

1) How reliable is the PS3 ?
2) Is their online comparable to Xbox Live ?
3) How does the controller's feel in hand ?
4) Any future mouse/keyboard support ?
5) Any news on a further price drop ? I know they had one, but a future one maybe ?
6) Release date's on the games below ?

I'm probably getting my 360 again next month, I've seen an article yesterday that the 65nm has been shipping for two quarters already. So is this true ? I've had a 360 before, but sold due to not so many games I liked. But now I want another one.

I already have a Wii. I will admit, it is EXCELLENT for me and my family. But the PS3 and the 360 would be for me when I want to play a hardcore type game.

Anyway, and answer's to these questions would help me out considerably.

(1) Gears Of War ( Out Now )
(2) Mass Effect
(3) Halo 3
(4) BioShock
(5) Conan
(6) Rainbow 6 Vegas ( Out Now )
(7) Forza
(8) PGR
(9) Lost Planet: Extreme Condition ( Out Now )
(10) Call of Juarez

(1) Resistance : Fall Of Man ( Out Now )
(2) Ninja Gaiden Sigma ( Out Now )
(3) Call Of Duty 4
(4) Transformers ( Out Now )
(5) Grand Theft Auto IV
(6) Metal Gear Solid 4
(7) Lair
(8) Final Fantasy XIII
(9) Grand Turismo 5
(10) Devil May Cry 4

I know a few of these is already available, but would like the majority available upon purchase.



Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2005
1) How reliable is the PS3 ?
Seems to be very reliable, not many reports of broken consoles

2) Is their online comparable to Xbox Live ?
Depends what you are looking for. I have only had live for a few months before selling my 360...I prefer free since I can easily go a month without playing online at all, so I hate wasting the money. But from what everyone says, Live is slightly faster for online play and has more things available for download(demos/movies...) PS3 is coming out with their "Home" thing soon, so we will see how good that is.

3) How does the controller's feel in hand ?
If you liked the PS2 controller, you will like this one. It is much lighter.

4) Any future mouse/keyboard support ?
Unreal Tournament 3 is supposed to have m/k support when it comes out, that will be the first.


Golden Member
Aug 25, 2004
Well for the Xbox release dates

GoW - Out
Mass Effect - November 2007
Halo 3 - Sept 25 2007
BioShock - August 21 2007
Age of Conan - October 30 2007
Rainbow Six - Out
Forza 2 - Out
PGR 4 - September 2007
Lost planet - Out
Call of Juarez - Out

1) The 65nm version of the 360 is not shipping yet, probably start sometime in 2008.
As for the PS3 reliabilty, I would say that it has much better track record than the 360. However, at this point 360s are a safer bet than they were at the start of the year, with MS at the minimum increasing the quality control at their factories after spending a billion on starting a new warranty for the 360(3 year).

2)In terms of online, the main advantage for the PS3 is that it's free. Live integrates it's games a lot more seamlessly(cross game invites/messages/chat), and has more content on its marketplace. If online gaming is a priority, I would recommend the 360.

3)This depends on which system you last used. If you liked the PS2 controller, the PS3 one is almost identical. If you liked the Xbox Controller S, the 360 controller is probably more your thing.

4) Unreal Tournament 3 is right now the only game that is confirmed to have it. At this point keyboard/mouse support is nonexistant on both consoles.

5) PS3 just had one recently. Xbox 360 may have one in the coming days to counter it but nothing is for certain.

Hope this helps.

Oct 19, 2000
1) How reliable is the PS3 ?

Seems to be pretty damn reliable thus far. Granted, though, that if you only sell 10 to 15 consoles a couple of games nationwide, not many people are going to complain :D :p. Sorry Sony fans, I had to take that one :).

In all seriousness, people have been running the Folding@Home client for months now with no problems, so that in itself is a testament to the quality of the PS3 hardware thus far.

2) Is their online comparable to Xbox Live ?

IMO, it's not really comparable. If you are a big online gamer, the 360 subscription model is the only way to go. It's completely awesome and well worth the money with the cross-game messaging/invites/friends list integration. It's almost way too easy to gather friends in any game within seconds, no matter who is playing or watching whatever.

3) How does the controller's feel in hand ?

Honestly, I used to the think the Dual Shock 2 was the pinnacle of controllers in the PS2 days. I sold my PS2, and a year later, picked up my 360. I used the 360 controller without ever thinking about it (which is a good thing), and when I picked up a PS2 controller after handling the 360 controller for a good while, the PS2 dual shock felt small and cramped. I immediately was amazed at how much better the 360 controller was. The most important thing about a controller is for you to not even realize it's there, and I never have to think about buttons or anything when I'm playing a 360 game.

That said, to each his own. Some people will prefer one over the other, neither of them are in any way bad.

4) Any future mouse/keyboard support ?

There are some devices out there trying to add kb/mouse support, but as far as I know, it doesn't work well so far without major tweaking or hacking. Others will more intelligent about this subject, since I lay in the camp of enjoying controllers for FPS's.

5) Any news on a further price drop ? I know they had one, but a future one maybe ?

It's widely assumed that the new 80GB PS3 SKU will drop to $499 once the 60GB SKU runs out. Not really considered a price drop, though. I wouldn't look for another PS3 price drop until after Christmas, depending on how well it sells.

The 360 is heavily rumored to get a price drop next Wednesday, 8/8.

6) Release date's on the games below ?

If someone can't give you an exact date, check Gamestop or EB's website. They are always up-to-date based on the info that the developers give them.
Oct 19, 2000
Originally posted by: EvilComputer92
1) The 65nm version of the 360 is not shipping yet, probably start sometime in 2008.

It's widely estimated that these will ship in about 2-3 months, actually. Although, nobody really knows but Microsoft at this point.


Diamond Member
May 25, 2005
Lair's release date is set for Sep. 4th. Gran Turismo 5 will come out in 2008, and Final Fantasy XIII will hopefully come out in 2008 as well, but it may be early 2009.


Sep 17, 2002
Originally posted by: EvilComputer92

1) The 65nm version of the 360 is not shipping yet, probably start sometime in 2008.
As for the PS3 reliabilty, I would say that it has much better track record than the 360. However, at this point 360s are a safer bet than they were at the start of the year, with MS at the minimum increasing the quality control at their factories after spending a billion on starting a new warranty for the 360(3 year).

I believe we'll see the 65nm before 2008. The chip manufacturers for MS have stated they have been producing 65nm processors for the last 2 months, so i tis likely that we'll see them finally in products this fall. MS will want to come out with this ASAP as the main problem they have with reliability is in the heat of the chips. It has been speculated by just about every "industry expert" that the Halo version of the console (coming in September) will have this chip in it.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
Originally posted by: PricklyPete
Originally posted by: EvilComputer92

1) The 65nm version of the 360 is not shipping yet, probably start sometime in 2008.
As for the PS3 reliabilty, I would say that it has much better track record than the 360. However, at this point 360s are a safer bet than they were at the start of the year, with MS at the minimum increasing the quality control at their factories after spending a billion on starting a new warranty for the 360(3 year).

I believe we'll see the 65nm before 2008. The chip manufacturers for MS have stated they have been producing 65nm processors for the last 2 months, so i tis likely that we'll see them finally in products this fall. MS will want to come out with this ASAP as the main problem they have with reliability is in the heat of the chips. It has been speculated by just about every "industry expert" that the Halo version of the console (coming in September) will have this chip in it.

did they announce the price of the halo 360 yet?


Sep 17, 2002

Call of Duty 4
Devil May Cry 4

are all coming out on the 360 as well. A lot of people have been rumoring that Metal Gear Solid 4 will be coming out as well on the none of those titles make it worth getting a PS3 if you already have a 360.

Also, in regard to the is just like the PS2 controller for the most part...sans rumble. So in my opinion it sucks as I was never a fan of the PS2 controller...although a lot of people are. In my opinion the 360 controller is WAY better.

As for Xbox is great. The PS Network is good for being free...but just doesn't compete with Live in terms of ease of use and straightforward implementation. The bad thing is that improving that portion of the interface will be much more difficult after the fact as things like in-game invitations and the such would likely break old games...making Sony unlikely to implement...but I haven't lost faith in their ability to implement some of that stuff as the years go on. The fact of the matter is that MS has that stuff now...and it works REALLY well.


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
Originally posted by: blurredvision
1) How reliable is the PS3 ?

Seems to be pretty damn reliable thus far. Granted, though, that if you only sell 10 to 15 consoles a couple of games nationwide, not many people are going to complain :D :p. Sorry Sony fans, I had to take that one :).

In all seriousness, people have been running the Folding@Home client for months now with no problems, so that in itself is a testament to the quality of the PS3 hardware thus far.

2) Is their online comparable to Xbox Live ?

IMO, it's not really comparable. If you are a big online gamer, the 360 subscription model is the only way to go. It's completely awesome and well worth the money with the cross-game messaging/invites/friends list integration. It's almost way too easy to gather friends in any game within seconds, no matter who is playing or watching whatever.

3) How does the controller's feel in hand ?

Honestly, I used to the think the Dual Shock 2 was the pinnacle of controllers in the PS2 days. I sold my PS2, and a year later, picked up my 360. I used the 360 controller without ever thinking about it (which is a good thing), and when I picked up a PS2 controller after handling the 360 controller for a good while, the PS2 dual shock felt small and cramped. I immediately was amazed at how much better the 360 controller was. The most important thing about a controller is for you to not even realize it's there, and I never have to think about buttons or anything when I'm playing a 360 game.

That said, to each his own. Some people will prefer one over the other, neither of them are in any way bad.

4) Any future mouse/keyboard support ?

There are some devices out there trying to add kb/mouse support, but as far as I know, it doesn't work well so far without major tweaking or hacking. Others will more intelligent about this subject, since I lay in the camp of enjoying controllers for FPS's.

5) Any news on a further price drop ? I know they had one, but a future one maybe ?

It's widely assumed that the new 80GB PS3 SKU will drop to $499 once the 60GB SKU runs out. Not really considered a price drop, though. I wouldn't look for another PS3 price drop until after Christmas, depending on how well it sells.

The 360 is heavily rumored to get a price drop next Wednesday, 8/8.

6) Release date's on the games below ?

If someone can't give you an exact date, check Gamestop or EB's website. They are always up-to-date based on the info that the developers give them.
Good post.

I agree about the controllers too. I have big hands, and the PS3 controller feels cramped to me. I'm not a fan of the recharge method either. I was playing God of War yesterday, had forgotten to charge the controller, and it gave me the low charge warning right when I was fighting Aries, talk about bad timing! I had to plug it in, and sit way too close to my 57" HDTV to finish the game. The 360 with recharge AA's or play n' charge FTW.

Also, Don't forget about the 5 free Blu-Ray movies you get by mail with the PS3.



Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: DAPUNISHER
Good post.

I agree about the controllers too. I have big hands, and the PS3 controller feels cramped to me. I'm not a fan of the recharge method either. I was playing God of War yesterday, had forgotten to charge the controller, and it gave me the low charge warning right when I was fighting Aries, talk about bad timing! I had to plug it in, and sit way too close to my 57" HDTV to finish the game. The 360 with recharge AA's or play n' charge FTW.

Also, Don't forget about the 5 free Blu-Ray movies you get by mail with the PS3.

I agree for the most part except the charge, while the charging is annoying, you can just plug it into your computer for an easy charge when the PS3 is off. Also, I at least give credit to Sony for being the only console that comes with rechargeable batteries. I hated having to pay an extra $20 to be able to charge my 360 controller, it just keeps adding up.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2006
Originally posted by: PricklyPete

Call of Duty 4
Devil May Cry 4

are all coming out on the 360 as well. A lot of people have been rumoring that Metal Gear Solid 4 will be coming out as well on the none of those titles make it worth getting a PS3 if you already have a 360.

Also, in regard to the is just like the PS2 controller for the most part...sans rumble. So in my opinion it sucks as I was never a fan of the PS2 controller...although a lot of people are. In my opinion the 360 controller is WAY better.

As for Xbox is great. The PS Network is good for being free...but just doesn't compete with Live in terms of ease of use and straightforward implementation. The bad thing is that improving that portion of the interface will be much more difficult after the fact as things like in-game invitations and the such would likely break old games...making Sony unlikely to implement...but I haven't lost faith in their ability to implement some of that stuff as the years go on. The fact of the matter is that MS has that stuff now...and it works REALLY well.

CoD4 I'd definitely get for the 360 (Xbox Live), and also GTA4 because you have the option of DLC. Rockstar recently said there was no reason to get the PS3 version if you have a 360, they're identical.


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
Originally posted by: MikeyLSU

I agree for the most part except the charge, while the charging is annoying, you can just plug it into your computer for an easy charge when the PS3 is off. Also, I at least give credit to Sony for being the only console that comes with rechargeable batteries. I hated having to pay an extra $20 to be able to charge my 360 controller, it just keeps adding up.
You are missing my point, so I'll elaborate :) I forgot to recharge the controller, since I only have 1 right now, and it started to die, I had no choice but to play plugged in, sitting too close to my big screen. I didn't have the option of swapping batteries or using a play n' charge.

And I don't think I know anyone under 60 who doesn't have rechargable batteries and a charger now-a-days. With so many devices and toys that use batteries, I would spend crazy bank on AAs alone, if I didn't use rechargables. So the cost of recharging my 360 batteries was zero, since I already had the batteries and charger. If you didn't/don't and don't have anything else in the house that uses AAs, then the added expense is an issue. But, for many of us, rechargable AAs and charger are items we have had in our homes for years.

EDIT; scratch the play n charge, I think that has to be plugged in too. The recharge station with battery packs is another option, but unnecessary for me since I just swap batteries. If I die in an online match because of it, thems the breaks.


Sep 17, 2002
Originally posted by: MikeyLSU
Originally posted by: DAPUNISHER
Good post.

I agree about the controllers too. I have big hands, and the PS3 controller feels cramped to me. I'm not a fan of the recharge method either. I was playing God of War yesterday, had forgotten to charge the controller, and it gave me the low charge warning right when I was fighting Aries, talk about bad timing! I had to plug it in, and sit way too close to my 57" HDTV to finish the game. The 360 with recharge AA's or play n' charge FTW.

Also, Don't forget about the 5 free Blu-Ray movies you get by mail with the PS3.

I agree for the most part except the charge, while the charging is annoying, you can just plug it into your computer for an easy charge when the PS3 is off. Also, I at least give credit to Sony for being the only console that comes with rechargeable batteries. I hated having to pay an extra $20 to be able to charge my 360 controller, it just keeps adding up.

I agree it is a little annoying...they were only $11 bucks when I bought mine at Target. I have 4 wireless controllers with one charge station and 5 batteries. It's fantastic as whenever one battery goes...their is always a fresh one waiting to replace it. Not to mention the charge lasts FOREVER.

As I said though...they really should include the rechargeable batter with the $50 controller and just make the standard wired controller $30.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2006
How long is the PS3 charge cable? I'm pretty sure the Play and Charge cable is about 9', which isn't bad. I have 2 controllers and one play and charge kit and the charge lasts so long it's not annoying, plus you can leave them plugged in after the console is off and they still charge.


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
Originally posted by: ObscureCaucasian
How long is the PS3 charge cable? I'm pretty sure the Play and Charge cable is about 9', which isn't bad. I have 2 controllers and one play and charge kit and the charge lasts so long it's not annoying, plus you can leave them plugged in after the console is off and they still charge.
The cable that came with my PS3 is only approx. 4ft. So you can see why I'm a bit bent about the recharge method.



Senior member
Feb 19, 2006
I just plug it into my laptop which is always closeby whenever I play.


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
Originally posted by: mlm
I just plug it into my laptop which is always closeby whenever I play.
I'm a dumbass, I didn't even think of that. That just solved my problem. :beer:



Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2006
Originally posted by: DAPUNISHER
Originally posted by: mlm
I just plug it into my laptop which is always closeby whenever I play.
I'm a dumbass, I didn't even think of that. That just solved my problem. :beer:

I think that works w/ the 360 too if you have the P&C