Originally posted by: NeuroSynapsis
What to get to stock it?
Rum, Vodka, Midori...
Midori? Freakin Midori? If you go for the Midori omit the Rum and Vodka and get nothing but Midori, peach schnapps and Pink Squirrel mix.
The staples that every bar must have:
The other stuff add on as-needed basis. If you know martini drinkers add dry vermouth, manhattan drinkers add sweet vermouth. Don't get too hung up on adding oddball liquors like Midori, the various schnapps flavors, Sambucca, Amaretto, etc as there are a million varieties and you'll spend a fortune for 100 different bottles that get touched once a year. Between beer, wine and the 7 staples you can satisfy any guest as long as you have enough mixers. Make sure you always have Coke or Pepsi, 7-Up, ginger ale, OJ, grapefruit juice, cranberry juice, tonic water, club soda, Tom Collins mix and plain seltzer.