Thi4f becomes plain old Thief, reboot coming in 2014

Pray To Jesus

Diamond Member
Mar 14, 2011
the original was too hard for me. I kept getting lost and didn't know where to go. I was very young at the time though.

I will have to see if this game is up to snuff.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
Good. I've been wanting to go back and play the original, but I just know the graphics are going to turn me off.

Red Storm

Oct 2, 2005
$100 says they add in see through walls mode as seen in the Batman games and the new Hitman.


Golden Member
Jan 20, 2010
Reboot eh? Nice knowing you Thief series, was a good run. :(



Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2003
$100 says they add in see through walls mode as seen in the Batman games and the new Hitman.

But wait! There's more!

I predict Garrett becomes an ultra-badass Terminator thief who can take out 5 guards at once, all with the help of an AHHHSUM QTE sequence, brah.

Seriously though, I have ZERO faith they'll get this right. The Thief games, more than so many others, were far too nuanced and cerebral for this generation...or rather what publishers think this generation wants.


Golden Member
Jan 9, 2008
Seriously though, I have ZERO faith they'll get this right. The Thief games, more than so many others, were far too nuanced and cerebral for this generation...or rather what publishers think this generation wants.

Sadly I have to agree with you here. While i'd love to be proven wrong, looking at the picture in that Ars article just reminds me of Assassins Creed. I believe they'll play off the nostalgia of fans of the series but what they'll actually end up making will be a clone of every other console action game released in recent years.


Platinum Member
Jul 9, 2011
Sadly I have to agree with you here. While i'd love to be proven wrong, looking at the picture in that Ars article just reminds me of Assassins Creed. I believe they'll play off the nostalgia of fans of the series but what they'll actually end up making will be a clone of every other console action game released in recent years.

Actually, it will be a clone of Deus Ex HR, just like Deadly Shadows was a clone of Invisible War (and just as bad). I expect a mediocre game I'll play through once, then uninstall. There is no way in hell they are going to allow fans to make missions.


Diamond Member
Sep 6, 2005
Guess they decided to just dump the girl story that Garret busted at the end of DS

Why did Looking Glass have to go under :(

I really hope this is good.. thief 2 was one of my top games of all time. But alas, I'm sure it'll suck like you guys already said :(
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Senior member
Sep 7, 2012
Damn you guys rock in my book. Console or not. Great game or not. These things shouldn't be mutally exclusive but hey are unfortunately. It is like that dude from Crytek said you got all our small nuclear devices PCs and all the rest and are you gonna cater to us. YES but he is a guru not? :p


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2012
As my avatar will tell you, I hold the Thief series in very high regard. Particularly the first game, which is probably my favorite game ever. I love the story, the characters, the atmosphere.

In a lot of ways Thief 3 F'd up the series. It had a nasty case of consolitis and was dumbed down in a lot of ways... the character controlled in a very clunky way, and if we went back in time and spoke to my 23 year old self as that game was coming out, he could spend probably 5 hours bitching about it.

Nonetheless, I am glad Thief 3 got made and I was glad back then too. My mindset was the same then that it is now: I felt lucky to see another entry in the series, period.

That isn't to say that I have no standards whatsoever... but I try to be at least able to appreciate the good that comes with the bad.

The screenshots for this look cool to me. It feels a lot like Dishonored, maybe too much so. Maybe they're changing the feeling of a medieval city too much and going too far toward something more Victorian... but then, that was always part of it too... and that became more pronounced in Thief 2 and 3. I consider Thief 1 to be the most definitive title in the series, and the closer to the feel of that they got... the better from my perspective.

But playing up the steampunk Victorian angle is okay too. If it ends up being like Dishonored, that's a good thing. Dishonored was a very good game.

If there's an element of open world to it, I'm okay with that. That could be cool if done right.

The most important things to me are that 1.) They get Stephen Russell to voice Garrett again and 2.) The game isn't super short.

I have a feeling this will end up being a better game than Thief 3, and maybe even a very good game. Here's hoping.

It could also suck massively. But I am not ready to get that pessimistic, I see no reason for it yet.


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2009
I recently beat Thief 3, when it first came out i didn't like as much as Thief 2, but now that i actually played all the way through it, it's actually superior in many ways, great game.

Thief 1 is hard for me to play due to graphics and A.I. It's larger environment is made worse due to it's complete lacking of anything within it, it's really just a series of boxes and rectangles with some mindless zombies for AI.
Thief 2 loses me when i see cameras and robot patrol guards..ugghh. Steampunk or not, it's not the right mix of future and historic to make any sense. Some games do Steampunk well, Thief 2 did not, i enjoyed the first half well enough, but the rest was too offbeat.

How about a reboot of the original Splinter Cell? Get back to the fun sneaking stuff with sticky cameras, i loved that thing.
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Senior member
Sep 7, 2012
Honestly thief wasn't that good, but Warren Spector is and be it deus ex or whatever he got his hands on it is going to rock. I agree with most everything. Sneaking around with that club in my hands not getting noticed. Oh I miss that feeling.

The problem with thief 3 read my comments. Its the man is gone. :(

To some of us he is more than just a name he is deus ex and the idea behind thief, but that again it for that elusive comparison of what might have been.
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Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2012
Thief 1 is hard for me to play due to graphics and A.I. It's larger environment is made worse due to it's complete lacking of anything within it, it's really just a series of boxes and rectangles with some mindless zombies for AI.

Blasphemer! Heretic! ... HeXeN!!!

Thief 1 has a lot of detail for it's era, there are interesting street lamps... lots of books and notes laying around, lots of carrots, bread loafs, apples etc on shelves, butcher knives... lots of medieval artwork hanging on walls... elaborate carpets, a wide variety of wall textures and textures of all kinds, environments are very distinct.

The AI are smart, especially for it's time. There are zombies but the intelligent human guards make up a much larger percentage of your foes.

It is not excessively boxy either... no more so than it's age necessitates.

I really think you need to give it another play through, use modern mods to make it high resolution, and widescreen, and give it another try.

Did you ever finish it? When did you last play it?

And to the other guy, Warren Specter is good and all but my understanding is he had nearly nothing to do with Thief 1, and it's the best in the series by far.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2003
I recently beat Thief 3, when it first came out i didn't like as much as Thief 2, but now that i actually played all the way through it, it's actually superior in many ways, great game.

Thief 1 is hard for me to play due to graphics and A.I. It's larger environment is made worse due to it's complete lacking of anything within it, it's really just a series of boxes and rectangles with some mindless zombies for AI.
Thief 2 loses me when i see cameras and robot patrol guards..ugghh. Steampunk or not, it's not the right mix of future and historic to make any sense. Some games do Steampunk well, Thief 2 did not, i enjoyed the first half well enough, but the rest was too offbeat.

How about a reboot of the original Splinter Cell? Get back to the fun sneaking stuff with sticky cameras, i loved that thing.

I don't think you're remembering it right. "Complete lack of anything in it" certainly isn't true. In the mansions and estates that you're prowling, there's plenty of furniture and realistic layout/architecture. What exactly are you expecting? This isn't an arcade game like AC where you run through crowds or jump around rooftops in the middle of the day for all to see, it was always supposed to be dark, secluded, quiet, and subtle.

As far as Thief 2's world, I enjoyed it. It was fantastic, as in a pure fantasy steam-punk world. The "Mechanists", the order you're basically at war with, crafts these machines. I think it works quite well, and fits in the esoteric story and setting.

Far better than Assassin's Creed's brain dead "sci fi" plot.


Apr 8, 2001
have 2 copies of them all, still need to play through the last 2. very fun concept though.


Feb 25, 2004

Nope. Reading between the lines in that article it sounds like an assassin's creed clone with a few other feature of the week things bolted onto it.

I've come to accept that the best thing that can happen to classic PC franchises at this point is that they remain dead and buried, peacefully undisturbed. It doesn't matter what genre or game play the original had, if they decide to bring it back they just clone the most recently successful FPS, shoehorn bullet time into the game and weaken any previously unique elements if they don't outright remove them.

Take the new Syndicate game for instance...the original game was a tactical strategy game but they can't sell that on consoles and frankly probably don't even know how to make one anymore so they just pumped out another FPS clone. I read the plot synopsis on this one and they didn't even have the balls to leave the player in a position of an evil dictator, they had to give your character a sad back story and a "for freeedoomm!" victory condition. I don't even think the agents in those games had back stories, I'm pretty sure they were all clones.

Its actually idiotic to do this IMO. The only people that care about the old franchise name are people who want what the old games offered. Everyone else doesn't really give a shit so they could just make up a new game franchise.


Golden Member
Jan 20, 2010
Its actually idiotic to do this IMO. The only people that care about the old franchise name are people who want what the old games offered. Everyone else doesn't really give a shit so they could just make up a new game franchise.
I've always thought the same thing. Especially because what miniscule help the name may offer will be quickly snuffed out ten fold by the constant and unyielding negative remarks of it's hardcore fan base. (IE: Me)


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
Ah, that one could be interesting, time will tell, I'll keep an eye on it.

Reboots can potentially be a good thing, the latest in mind is of course Tomb Raider, which is - so far from what I've read around - probably the best one in the franchise since TR Legend (which itself was probably the best since TR2).

There's one thing though... I've played a coupe of hours of Dishonored recently (started a game for myself on my cousin's 360 last time I went to his place) and while I think it's neat and the stealth approach to most situations were fun I'm still not sure if I could really try it that way for the whole duration of the game. I know that to some extent Dishonored's stealth was supposed to have been inspired by the Thief series, and that in general the devs tried to "rejuvenate" stealth mechanics in game-play for modern gaming (just like Deus Ex: Revolution) but I have to agree that most of the fish in the lake won't exactly bite to that.

Most game-play footage I see around of random people commenting their play-through in both games usually go for the action guns-blazing routes and sometimes they'll go for stealth only if there's some sort of cool finishing moves for doing so, when otherwise it's just "boring" to cloak yourself or remain in shadows while a paroling guard passes next to you and basically "nothing happens" (which is ironically the intent within the game-play mechanic).

I mean I do like some stealth and exploiting the A.I.'s "stupidity" (programmed as such on purpose of course) by remaining in shadows or not making any noises, but more often than not I feel that so called stealth in video games is too "artificial" or just doesn't fit, or you need a crap load of suspension of disbelief and a good sense of figurative thinking to let it flow smoothly (I.E. not considering everything that's happening on-screen being literally happening, filling up "gaps" with your imagination on things that you don't see, but "are happening" in your immersion or your "role-play").

I have to admit that I can understand it if such "cerebral" type of games can be a turn off to many players around, including "veterans" (by that I mean "not-so-young-anymore") who just don't have the patience/time or will anymore to try and make it through "without killing any enemies" (just an example). I would say that Thief, in retrospect, was that type of "you had to play it back then" game to understand how great it was for its time, and for a couple of years to follow even. But today? Not sure.

But it has potential, I think it could be a good reboot, we'll see...
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Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2011
But wait! There's more!

I predict Garrett becomes an ultra-badass Terminator thief who can take out 5 guards at once, all with the help of an AHHHSUM QTE sequence, brah.

Seriously though, I have ZERO faith they'll get this right. The Thief games, more than so many others, were far too nuanced and cerebral for this generation...or rather what publishers think this generation wants.

Given that most of the games Looking Glass Studios released were complete flops, I'd say that things weren't too different then than to how they are today.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
Maybe they'll utilize cover systems, and if you don't take damage for a little while your health regenerates. Then you can peek out over your cover and BOOM HEADSHOT guards with your rapid fire exploding crossbow ammos.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2012
Some frustrating stuff in that article, to be sure. But remember two key things:

Thief: Deadly Shadows did exactly this to the series already. Dumbed it down, consolized it, made it appeal to mainstream and added a lot of elements that didn't fit with the first two games at all. Like climbing gloves, bad in engine cutscenes, third person view, blue shadows, and I could list a LOT more.

Nevertheless Thief 3 was not a complete waste of time. It did have some neat story elements and some memorable levels and good atmosphere. The community patched it to have a UI more like the first two games, and toned down some of the consolitis.

The other thing to remember is that these same guys made Deus Ex: Human Revolution, which, while certainly NOT perfect, was a very playable game with much to recommend it. It was far more true to the original Deus Ex than I expected. Probably as close to the original as the modern gaming industry could come, sadly.

So I will not write this off. There may be user patches eventually like with Thief 3, and it cannot be more of a defilement than Thief 3 was.

And mind you, this is coming from a HUGELY cynical person who also regards Thief as sacred to me. I printed a custom poster, burned a DVD years ago of all the cutscenes... have used this avatar for years and even dressed up as Garrett in like 2002 for Halloween. So if I can give this game a chance, you mofos can too :)
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