I posted this is teh Techinical forum also but figured more people would see it here
Ok we were workin on this problim today and for the life of us non of us could figure it out so i thought id ask you people sence you know a hella lot more then me....
ok go here
ok if that link dosent work go here " ftp://skillina@alpha.dickinson.edu " and click on solve.doc after your in
if it asks you for a password and login
name: skillina
pass: asscock
Ok we were workin on this problim today and for the life of us non of us could figure it out so i thought id ask you people sence you know a hella lot more then me....
ok go here
ok if that link dosent work go here " ftp://skillina@alpha.dickinson.edu " and click on solve.doc after your in
if it asks you for a password and login
name: skillina
pass: asscock