The white moderates MLK warned us about


May 15, 2000
I think this article sums up my feelings on the subject of Democrat civility and encapsulates my feelings about certain posters who complain of incivility.

The source is from my feed and I have no idea what their credibility is.

First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action”; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a “more convenient season.” Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.


Feb 5, 2006
There is a reason the Democratic party keeps losing everything. There is no fight in them.
Civility is a privilege, not a right.
Nov 25, 2013
Some folks might find this of interest

Donald Trump’s enforcers have lost the right to civil courtesy

"When it comes to matters of civility in political discourse, the Trump administration and its advocates are in no position to preach: any plausible claim they may have staked for the moral high ground was torched very early on. Trump made a Pocahontas joke while addressing Native American servicemen; called protesting black football players “sons of bitches”; and, on Monday, tweeted that a black Congresswoman, Maxine Waters, was “an extremely low IQ person”. Having laid waste to decorum, tradition, convention and sensitivity, his administration should not be surprised when people respond in kind."


"It makes little sense to prostrate oneself at the altar of civility while others are gleefully desecrating democracy itself. Historical precedents abound where people, in retrospect, feel they should have done more when they had the chance. We do not need to reserve opinion on what Trump is capable of before we get to the end of this sordid journey. The time to pull the emergency brake is now. We have seen enough."


"The question of where one draws the line on these matters is a legitimate one. But we should not be in any denial that there is always a line. If a group of fully robed Klansmen or neo-Nazis in full regalia walked in, some liberals would be far less squeamish about removing them. The question has never been whether you draw a line between what is and is not acceptable, but where you draw it. Trump crosses that line routinely – stoking divisiveness, encouraging enmity and violating basic human values in policy and pronouncement. This moment calls not for civility but civil disobedience."



Feb 6, 2002
What Maxine Waters did yesterday strategically was fine. Tactically should have been more precise.

Change you are not welcome here to

your racism is not welcome here
your cutting taxes for the rich is not welcome here
your serial lying is not welcome here
your voter suppression is not welcome here
your assault on the environment is not welcome here
your corruption is not welcome here
your attack on democratic ideals is not welcome here
your______________ is not welcome here.

pause for applause


Jun 12, 2005
What worries me is that at this pace some group is going to over press their welcome and somebody is going to get hurt.
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Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
Civility and manners are the grease that lubricates the gears of society.
The yugest threat to basic civility and manners our republic has ever faced is Donald J. Trump and yet YOU refuse to stand in open opposition to him . . . which makes YOU, at best, a howling hypocrite.

I am forced to conclude that you are either an easily manipulated, incredibly small minded nincompoop or a person so BENT by your closet envy and dislike of others -- liberals, "elites", those smarter than you, the undeserving poors -- that you can't even be honest with yourself about the bent bigotry that lies within you.

When the Titanic was sinking, Mrs. Ryerson sent my grandmother down to their first class cabin to fetch her jewels. She nearly got imprisoned therein, because the pursers were going around, while that ship was going down, locking the first class cabins lest the hoi polloi get their hands on some goodies.

That's YOU, sparky! Locking doors on the Titanic to preserve the property and propriety of the rich you SO look up to, to preserve your bent, bullshit and bogus faux ideal of "civility and manners."

Go F*ck Yourself.
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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Civility and manners are the grease that lubricates the gears of society.

but then why does the republican party exist? Why did they gleefully abandon this? Please explain. I find it hard for a proud republican to make such a comment.


Oct 15, 1999
The yugest threat to basic civility and manners our republic has ever faced is Donald J. Trump and yet YOU refuse to stand in open opposition to him . . . which makes YOU, at best, a howling hypocrite.

I am forced to conclude that you are either an easily manipulated, incredibly small minded nincompoop or a person so BENT by your closet envy and dislike of others -- liberals, "elites", those smarter than you, the undeserving poors -- that you can't even be honest with yourself about the bent bigotry that lies within you.

When the Titanic was sinking, Mrs. Ryerson sent my grandmother down to their first class cabin to fetch her jewels. She nearly got imprisoned therein, because the pursers were going around, while that ship was going down, locking the first class cabins lest the hoi polloi get their hands on some goodies.

That's YOU, sparky! Locking doors on the Titanic to preserve the property and propriety of the rich you SO look up to, to preserve your bent, bullshit and bogus faux ideal of "civility and manners."

Go F*ck Yourself.
You have serious issues. I've always known that you were small and vindictive, but I never thought you were deranged until now. I have to wonder if you even understand what I said. The statement was short and expressed a simple concept that somehow became an endorsement of Trump in your mind. Try to understand that your obsession isn't my obsession, your hate isn't my hate. You've reached the point that anyone that doesn't stand on the street corner and shout obscenity's at passers by is your enemy. That's not a rational position.

Trump is a temp. He'll sit at his desk for four years then someone else will get the job. The US will survive, the system will work. Mindless posturing and impotent rage won't bring Trump down.


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
You have serious issues. I've always known that you were small and vindictive, but I never thought you were deranged until now. I have to wonder if you even understand what I said. The statement was short and expressed a simple concept that somehow became an endorsement of Trump in your mind. Try to understand that your obsession isn't my obsession, your hate isn't my hate. You've reached the point that anyone that doesn't stand on the street corner and shout obscenity's at passers by is your enemy. That's not a rational position.

Trump is a temp. He'll sit at his desk for four years then someone else will get the job. The US will survive, the system will work. Mindless posturing and impotent rage won't bring Trump down.
You're a f*cking hypocrite spouting straw dog bullshit and faulty logic. IF you weren't a hypocrite with your "oh please, civility" bullshit, you would be constantly condemning the worst public practitioner of non-civility and lies, Trump:


You are fooling no one.

Your towering hypocrisy is on view here for all to see, HYPOCRITE.
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Sep 6, 2000
not a society where 40% approve of a Trump

It was enough of the population for the left to be surprised by him winning the election. Putting yourself into your own echo chamber where you don't need to be confronted by differing opinions is fine but it does tend to lead to being surprised when those opinions you exclude yourself from hearing win at the ballot box. Of course if you're merely going to say there's no possible common ground between your policy aims and those of a Trump, etc. or that although they may support a policy objective which could be reconciled with yours but you feel their underlying reasons for that objective have so poisoned the well you can't possibly work with the, then so be it.

To me this is akin to people getting divorced who have become so angry with the other person they'll do things counter to their own objectives just to "get back at" or hurt the other person. If it's more important to you that a symbolic stand against someone eating a restaurant be done than sitting down with them to discuss how immigration reform could happen then enjoy that "moral victory" of kicking someone out a restaurant for the few seconds the satisfaction lasts. They'll just go to another restaurant and won't be bothered much at all. If the option was "get my policy in place and not be able to eat at restaurant X" or "be able to eat at restaurant X but not get my policy in place" do you think they're going to select the later?


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
You have serious issues. I've always known that you were small and vindictive, but I never thought you were deranged until now. I have to wonder if you even understand what I said. The statement was short and expressed a simple concept that somehow became an endorsement of Trump in your mind. Try to understand that your obsession isn't my obsession, your hate isn't my hate. You've reached the point that anyone that doesn't stand on the street corner and shout obscenity's at passers by is your enemy. That's not a rational position.

Trump is a temp. He'll sit at his desk for four years then someone else will get the job. The US will survive, the system will work. Mindless posturing and impotent rage won't bring Trump down.

It remains hilarious that you have a background of 3 years worth of Trump rallies, always advocating open violence to all opposition, yet never a fucking peep from you. Never. Not one. It isn't even controversial. It isn't debatable. There remains only one source for the violent, uncivil discourse and action that has consumed this country, and you predictably choose to ignore it. Always pointing the finger elsewhere. Always.

Clean your own house first. Be an example. Stop being a shit.


Dec 7, 2004
It was enough of the population for the left to be surprised by him winning the election. Putting yourself into your own echo chamber where you don't need to be confronted by differing opinions is fine but it does tend to lead to being surprised when those opinions you exclude yourself from hearing win at the ballot box. Of course if you're merely going to say there's no possible common ground between your policy aims and those of a Trump, etc. or that although they may support a policy objective which could be reconciled with yours but you feel their underlying reasons for that objective have so poisoned the well you can't possibly work with the, then so be it.

To me this is akin to people getting divorced who have become so angry with the other person they'll do things counter to their own objectives just to "get back at" or hurt the other person. If it's more important to you that a symbolic stand against someone eating a restaurant be done than sitting down with them to discuss how immigration reform could happen then enjoy that "moral victory" of kicking someone out a restaurant for the few seconds the satisfaction lasts. They'll just go to another restaurant and won't be bothered much at all. If the option was "get my policy in place and not be able to eat at restaurant X" or "be able to eat at restaurant X but not get my policy in place" do you think they're going to select the later?

Or they'll be bothered enough to cry on tweeter about it.

I know conservatives long for the day when only money is speech. But currently speech is speech, and if I see one of my employees after they do something I disagree with I'm going to let them know. It's far more effective than sending an email or letter, which will result in me getting an auto reply before an intern sticks it in the circular file.


Jan 14, 2013
It was enough of the population for the left to be surprised by him winning the election. Putting yourself into your own echo chamber where you don't need to be confronted by differing opinions is fine but it does tend to lead to being surprised when those opinions you exclude yourself from hearing win at the ballot box. Of course if you're merely going to say there's no possible common ground between your policy aims and those of a Trump, etc. or that although they may support a policy objective which could be reconciled with yours but you feel their underlying reasons for that objective have so poisoned the well you can't possibly work with the, then so be it.

To me this is akin to people getting divorced who have become so angry with the other person they'll do things counter to their own objectives just to "get back at" or hurt the other person. If it's more important to you that a symbolic stand against someone eating a restaurant be done than sitting down with them to discuss how immigration reform could happen then enjoy that "moral victory" of kicking someone out a restaurant for the few seconds the satisfaction lasts. They'll just go to another restaurant and won't be bothered much at all. If the option was "get my policy in place and not be able to eat at restaurant X" or "be able to eat at restaurant X but not get my policy in place" do you think they're going to select the later?

You still think the conservatives can reconcile anything? You are a fool or a liar. THere is nobody to work with on the other side of the aisle. Trump said as much about the current negotiations for immigration reform. You saw what they did with Garland - and you think there is any good faith left in the Republican Party aka Cult of Trump? No sir - that party is dead. You might have had a point if you had your finger on the pulse of reality, but you don't.

Voter suppression, wanting to end due process, stripping kids from parents for minor crimes, creating concentration camps for little kids, threatening violence to liberals at events from the top, spewing racism at events, normalizing the entire inferiority of a massive class of Americans and immigrants in the US, wanting to end political correctness lol, lock up political opponents, the list goes on....They have destroyed civility already.

if the time hasn't come yet to be not civil back, it sure is coming fast. you have aligned yourself with evil so it just seems that this is all normal to you.

The only single thing that I would argue to figure out is how it will affect you at the ballot box. But as far as if the Republicans deserve it? Oh yes, they've earned it full stop. Put it this way, if the Dems win back the Senate this fall and Trump gets to nominate a justice the next day, I hope they obstruct that shit until he is impeached or elected out of office. And it would be just, and civil and right.