The US Civil War started out as a war to keep the Union together. Later, under Lincoln, it would transform into a war to free slavery. In the same way, the War in Iraq was a start to find WMD's, later it has transformed into a war to free the Iraqi people from brutal dictatorship from Saddam and Hussein Bros.
The US Civil War divided America and many called for an end to it, many didn't know why we were even fighting. Brother vs Brother. The same goes for Iraq. Many will call for an end and vote for Kerry, but a disaster is in the making. Iraq will fall into chaos and a deeply US-hated Islamic nation like the Taliban will result. Things are going bad for the Bush team, (like the liberal feeding frenzy of Abu Gharb), but GIVE IT A CHANCE, it's only been a year. Countries take time to heal. This will take many years. The US MUST play a pivotal role in shaping Iraqi freedom. Need proof?
There is your proof of what happens when the US pulls out. The process will be painful and hard. Innocents will be killed, soldiers will be kidnapped, prison horror stories will come out, but the end result will be acheived if we STAY STRONG. Over 600,000 Americans were killed during the Civil War, but we stayed strong and therefore are a UNION today. If we had a democrat president in 1864, we would be living in USofNA and USofSA. Think about it. It takes time and a strong Republican to heal wounds. Bush deserves time to fix these bumps in the road. For the liberals, your argument could be, "If he created the mess, then he should be the one to fix it." Give him 4 more years, you will see a much better Iraq.
Iraq can become a free and democratic nation, or it can become a spiteful mini-Taliban Islamic nation. The future of a nation is at the core here...just like the civil war. It started out bad, but it will finish good. The Iraqi people will taste freedom and have a unified nation.
My message to P&N: Stay strong, support our troops and America, and vote Bush/Cheney 2004. The fate of a nation depends on it.
"Government cannot endure permanently half slave, half free..." -Abraham Lincoln.
The US Civil War divided America and many called for an end to it, many didn't know why we were even fighting. Brother vs Brother. The same goes for Iraq. Many will call for an end and vote for Kerry, but a disaster is in the making. Iraq will fall into chaos and a deeply US-hated Islamic nation like the Taliban will result. Things are going bad for the Bush team, (like the liberal feeding frenzy of Abu Gharb), but GIVE IT A CHANCE, it's only been a year. Countries take time to heal. This will take many years. The US MUST play a pivotal role in shaping Iraqi freedom. Need proof?
There is your proof of what happens when the US pulls out. The process will be painful and hard. Innocents will be killed, soldiers will be kidnapped, prison horror stories will come out, but the end result will be acheived if we STAY STRONG. Over 600,000 Americans were killed during the Civil War, but we stayed strong and therefore are a UNION today. If we had a democrat president in 1864, we would be living in USofNA and USofSA. Think about it. It takes time and a strong Republican to heal wounds. Bush deserves time to fix these bumps in the road. For the liberals, your argument could be, "If he created the mess, then he should be the one to fix it." Give him 4 more years, you will see a much better Iraq.
Iraq can become a free and democratic nation, or it can become a spiteful mini-Taliban Islamic nation. The future of a nation is at the core here...just like the civil war. It started out bad, but it will finish good. The Iraqi people will taste freedom and have a unified nation.
My message to P&N: Stay strong, support our troops and America, and vote Bush/Cheney 2004. The fate of a nation depends on it.
"Government cannot endure permanently half slave, half free..." -Abraham Lincoln.