The state of computer gaming - the beginning of the end?


Golden Member
Jun 4, 2000
I was talking to a friend yesterday and it had me thinking. He seems to think that console gaming will eventually kill pc gaming. He thinks that people will grow tired of paying $200-$400 for video cards when that is more than the entire console. He also thinks that publishers are tired of seeing their games copied and ripped off. It is becoming increasingly hard for companies to make money on pc games. I have raced grand prix legends for years. It and Nascar Racing 2002 are the most realistic racing sims on the market. Papyrus the publisher of both no longer makes grand prix legends and nascar racing 2003 will be their last installment of the nascar series. No one really knows but many speculate that they will make a move to console gaming. Is this the beginning of the end? I personally love pc gaming and I will not buy a console because I do not want to currently support that format. What do you think


Jun 8, 2001
Yep i could live with at least a 1 ghz processor or even alittle less if i did not play games. Mainly if your a extreme gamer you need to upgrade so much if you want to always play the newest games at the highest resolutions, all details on maximum , FSAA,AF, etc. Amazing how much less money you would spend if you were not a gamer. I am getting bored of games through now because most are the same old.


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2000
There will always be a PC game market so long as there are PCs. The switch to console development was done out of greed since video game sales have been strong in recent years while PC markets have flattened.

Consoles aren't for me. Yet another device to make room for....proprietary games that last only as long as the device is in style....TV viewing add-ons....Argh...PC take me away!


Mar 9, 2000
The "Death of PC Gaming" has been prematurely announced many times over many years.

I don't think it is going to happen.

Some games just don't work well on a console platform hooked up to a TV. Also console games tend to cost more than PC games (also for a lot longer until they are discounted).

There is no "one" console to buy - you have to choose among 3 quality offerings with different strengths and weaknesses. Consoles are not (generally) upgradeable as the PC is.

And no one has to spend $200-$400 for a hi quality GPU - only if you want the very latest.


Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2000
Originally posted by: JellyBaby
There will always be a PC game market so long as there are PCs. The switch to console development was done out of greed since video game sales have been strong in recent years while PC markets have flattened. Consoles aren't for me. Yet another device to make room for....proprietary games that last only as long as the device is in style....TV viewing add-ons....Argh...PC take me away!

Yeah, I'de rather play games on a NTSC television screen than my 19" dell flat trini ..




Jun 8, 2001
Yep computer games seem to be cheaper than console video games. Sometimes computer games are as low as $30 to $35 even when they are new games. Compared to $50 to $60 with console games for a while.



Sep 15, 2002
You don't need to buy a Graphics Card every year. However maybe after a couple few years. Isnt this the same with consoles? They develop a new one and the you want it :D


Jun 22, 2002
I have thought about this too, and the fact that all the consoles are getting internet has to be another small blow. However, in games like Tribes for PS2, I think you can have at max like 16 players if they all have DSL. On the internet, you can easily have more then that, even with 56k. Also, unless I have a computer desk and really nice TV to watch my console games, as well as a keyboard and mouse, FPS games will always kick ass on PC. Also, on PC, anyone can be a developer. Counter-Strike is such a great game, the biggest online game out there, and it was created by someone just to mod another game. You all know the story, and know the game, so I don't have to preach to you. In an article Hard|OCP had linked about a week ago, they were talking about 24 billion minutes are collectively spent playing counter-strike a month (Adding up everyons play minutes). 29 billion minutes are spent watching the #1 TV-show friends. And if half-life only came out on console, CS wouldn't exist.

PC games aren't going to die. It is too great of a platform for anyone to program on. I can see someone with a great idea getting a big start after making a great game on PC, but I doubt they are going to be able produce one for a console platform.

P.S. I have a 1.4 T-bird and a GeForce 2 Pro, and I can play any game out right now at respecable settings. UT2K3 at 1024x768x32.


Jul 3, 2001
You guys make it seem like the only reason you buy new hardware is to play games on your PC :confused:

Maybe I am the only person who doesn't play games??? Maybe I am also the only person who upgrades his computer after 4 years of heavy use :eek:

I don't think that PC games will go away... although the fact you can get a keyboard/mouse/NIC's for console games is giving PC games a good run. If I did play games though, I am sure I would buy an Xbox instead of playing any other console or on a PC. The Xbox is more or less a PC anyways... I think in the future, you will see the console's become PC's built just for games... oh hrmm... isnt that what the Xbox is now?



Platinum Member
Jul 24, 2002
Console games are warezed as much as PC games. But they have the advantage that its hard to download console games and on PC you can downloadgames easily. When consoles get net this will most probably change. Anyway PC games wont go away.


Senior member
Jul 20, 2002
Originally posted by: Mardeth
Console games are warezed as much as PC games. But they have the advantage that its hard to download console games and on PC you can downloadgames easily. When consoles get net this will most probably change. Anyway PC games wont go away.

He speaks the truth! Console titles are just as warezed as PC games, and even more so in some cases. Perfect example is Metroid Fusion (Gameboy Advance) being leaked weeks before it's Nov. 16th release date. This doesn't really happen in the PC gaming world unless it's a demo. The entire PSX and Dreamcast libraries are downloadable (don't even bother asking where) and with a $10 mod chip, some interesting ideas, and a few minutes of can run them all on almost any of the current consoles.

XBox hacked, Linux on the PS2, fully downloadable CD based games....yeah, PC gaming is here to stay. I'm just glad the market is so interesting now.



Senior member
Feb 11, 2000
Originally posted by: gplracer
I was talking to a friend yesterday and it had me thinking. He seems to think that console gaming will eventually kill pc gaming. He thinks that people will grow tired of paying $200-$400 for video cards when that is more than the entire console. He also thinks that publishers are tired of seeing their games copied and ripped off. What do you think

TV monitor = second rate image.
PS, PS2 and Xbox are all being copied.



Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
One thing I don't understand when people talk about consoles vs PC's is the price issue.
For one thing, you don't need to buy a $400 card to play games on a PC.

But the PC is initially more expensive, no denying that, however, console games are insanely expensive, many times almost twice the price of a PC game.
This is to make up for the loss the manufacturer took when selling the console so cheap(supposedly MS loses over $100 on every XBox sold), and probably won't change any time soon.

So, while a console might be a cheaper initial purchase, that'll soon be compensated for if you happen to buy many games that aren't bargain bin games.

Not to mention the fact that many games don't play well without a mouse and keyboard, such as FPS's and RTS's.


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
I wish some company would merge them. Heck, the Xbox is a PC pretty much, but (forgive me if I'm incorrect, not all that informed about current consoles) you still just have the gamepad controller or steering wheel, whatever direct input device for the game, right? Half my fun in online gaming is telling someone "hey, great shot" and bsing while I'm dead in MOH. I'm a social gamer I guess.

Anyway, back to the merge....for me to get excited about a console, this would be my ideal.

Got your console. It's in it's box, looks nice, doesn't take up a lot of space, general console stuff.
Built in TV-out. Basic console stuff.
Optional model or addon part to allow VGA output from the unit. Using same video hardware, just offering the VGA out.
USB keyboard/mouse connections in addition to regular ports for gamepad.

Works as a regular standalone with a TV. Basic console stuff.
Works in your computer room through a KVM. Time to game, just switch and you're there at your 19" Trinitron, got your familiar mouse and all the keys of the keyboard for games that can benefit from them. Other games you use the gamepad. Of course you wouldn't get the same FPS and resolution out of current console video as our Radeons and Geforces in the PCs...but I said current. Probably most controversial part of this entire post, but I'd rather have solid 60fps in a pretested configuration than 200fps in parts of one game and then have them drop to 30 because one map has textures or detail that doesn't fit with the combo of cpu/ram/video I picked.

When you're done gaming, switch back to your 1ghz PC you're still keeping around since you haven't had cause to upgrade since you quit buying hardware for games.

Now for the real merge....built in NIC (no big deal) for online play and for interacting with the computer. gplracer started this subject off talking about some racing sims I also run. Lot of the guys I race with aren't geeky computer types, they're just regular guys with lives and wives and like to race on the weekend and would flock to a console type device if it would eliminate the hassle of tweaking a computer for gaming. BUT without the ability to save replays they and I wouldn't switch. That's a must. Gotta be able to not only save one, but snip out pieces and have them on the computer where you can send them to others. That's one reason for having the computer running even though you're not gaming on it - just using it as a live storage device. Of course the games would run when the console is in stand alone mode too, just losing that ability.

That's one reason. Next is even more fun. In addition to being a write-storage device, you can run games off the PC's HD. Yup, that's right, downloadable demos for your console. Of course that might encourage people to try piracy, but like others have pointed out, consoles are aready warezed, the upside would still be worth it.

Mods. Can you download new maps to play on your PS2? Look at shadware's example. Now you've got the same possibilities for your console as you do for your PC. Lose this option when you go to stand alone console mode...unless the console would work off say an external USB HD in place of a full computer standing there. I'd rather just have the console networked to the computer, but that's me.

Of course if the unit has an internal drive a lot of these options are available in stand alone form too, just have to transfer saved files to the PC later. Some of this stuff is probably reality already with the Xbox, it does have a HD right? Don't know what the HD is used for, started off saying I'm no expert on current stuff. Just this vision is about where they'd need to be for me to make the jump. Lot of different options as to how to do it, just kinda rambling off some thoughts.


Senior member
Sep 23, 2000
Yeah, I'de rather play games on a NTSC television screen than my 19" dell flat trini ..

Yea I'd rather play on a 19' flat screen then my 65' flat screen HDTV...

Anyway, 10 years from now the console and the "homecomputer" will have merged into a household appliance. Wireless network will allow the central unit to display on different screens in different rooms with power to spare. So dad can browse the days stocks, Mom can download the latest songs, Daugher can chat on 15 different channels at once, and Son can play all the latest games. All from the same central box. no fuss no muss and all them P5,'s 6's, and 7's will collect dust in dad's basement next to the Athalon ZXP2's and 3's......


Diamond Member
Aug 8, 2002
Originally posted by: DeschutesCore
Originally posted by: Mardeth
Console games are warezed as much as PC games. But they have the advantage that its hard to download console games and on PC you can downloadgames easily. When consoles get net this will most probably change. Anyway PC games wont go away.

He speaks the truth! Console titles are just as warezed as PC games, and even more so in some cases. Perfect example is Metroid Fusion (Gameboy Advance) being leaked weeks before it's Nov. 16th release date. This doesn't really happen in the PC gaming world unless it's a demo. The entire PSX and Dreamcast libraries are downloadable (don't even bother asking where) and with a $10 mod chip, some interesting ideas, and a few minutes of can run them all on almost any of the current consoles.

XBox hacked, Linux on the PS2, fully downloadable CD based games....yeah, PC gaming is here to stay. I'm just glad the market is so interesting now.


Warcraft 3. Hacked version was out weeks before real game came to stores.


Golden Member
Jan 20, 2002
Now for the real merge....built in NIC (no big deal) for online play and for interacting with the computer
The X-Box has 100Mbit ethernet built in. I'm not sure about the status of internet connection but I believe that downloadable demos are possible. You can also mod your games by doing things like adding your own music. The only reason the X-Box doesnt have a keyboard and mouse is that microsoft didn't want it to be too much like a PC. They've deliberatly avoided it for the sake of appearances.

There's no point in converging fully though - It would be bad for console makers and PC makers alike. Consoles builders make their money from software licensing (which is why games are more expensive.) PC builders make money from the hardware. If a console could be used just for word processing and e-mail, the Console builders would lose out since people would buy them just for that purpose.


Diamond Member
Apr 16, 2002
Here is my feelings on this issue...
First of all the console gaming industry will not kill the pc gaming industry for one reason.... multitasking. Can you quit your game and use the same rig to check your bank account? I can... on a console you cant. Not unless something came out that i dont know about.
Second... you dont need a video card every year... every two is sufficient..Case in point i have an ati radeon 8500 le with 3.3 ns ram on it and my fps on cs is 76. Above 60 or so you cant really tell a difference anyways. I can play all the games out now and my card has been out for a while.
Third.... BECAUSE I SAID SO!!!!!!


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: GoodRevrnd
Racing games are better on console anyway.
Get a steering wheel and pedals for your computer and you'll never say that again.



Senior member
Jul 1, 2002

Console games suck at multiplayer. they never will be good at multiplayer until they become computers. And when they DO become computers, this arguement is a moot point.

Seriously though...Think about CounetrStrike. Until consoles can have mods released that have thousands of servers online for it run 24/7 (who the hell runs their console 24/7!!??) then pc gaming will still be king for millions of pc gamers...


Oct 9, 1999
When will people realize that PCs and consoles are not going to kill each other? They are best at different genres, and while there is major overlap, its usually obvious where each strength's lie.

Console games are played in the living room, many times with a bunch of friends, with a controller, and with you sitting a few feet away from the TV. Sports games, platform games, RPGs, go great on a console. Party games obviously dont have a chance on PC.

But playing most FPSs on a console is a waste of time. Same with RTS, and complicated strategy games. You cant play them on a tv due to all the text, you need fine control, you need a mouse. Sure, you can get a mouse for consoles, but then you need a desk. You want to be 2 feet away from the monitor when playing an FPS or RTS.

As powerful as consoles get, PCs will be more powerful a year later. Always.

PCs cost more, but you can do more. And besides, its there for people that have the money. If you cant afford a PC good enough to play games, that doesnt mean PCs suck, that means you need a better job.

Saying Consoles will kill PCs is saying that handhelds are going to kill PCs. Sure you can take them around, but that doesnt make them better. Its almost as if people dont want competition or choices.


Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
Do they have steering wheels and pedals on consoles ? Even if they do, do they have 3 screen output ? (parhelia) I don't have a parhelia yet, but when they come down in price, and more games support it, I will get one (if Matrox doesn't go under) At any rate, there are way too many things you can do with a PC that consoles can't do, and it will never die.