- Jul 29, 2001
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Politicians and Wall Streeters are peddling the Big Lie that Social Security is inevitably going bust.
It is not!
The Social Security System (SSS) runs at a surplus of $100-$120 billion annually and will continue to do so throughout the twenty-first century! This trust fund system is one of the few programs set up by the federal government that works. In 1999, SSS received $383 billion in checks, $436 billion in taxes, and an additional $49 billion in interest. Instead of red ink, Social Security made almost $102 billion in profit, to add to the more than $652 billion it had in surplus from previous years.
Privatization schemes are PIRATIZATION scams.
The same Wall Street firms who contribute big bucks to the campaigns of presidents and senators now want to loot the Social Security System of trillions of dollars and jeopardize the survival of millions of retired Americans.
Wall Street is pumping millions of dollars into a small band of organizations, public relations firms and "think tanks" whose mission it is to undermine public confidence in Social Security and push for privatization.
Panel projections take the Social Security System trustees' worst-case scenario and claim it to be the only realistic picture of the future for the SSS. The so-called independent studies of Social Security funding have been financed by the very Wall Street firms who want to grab the money. For example, the Cato Institute Project on Social Security Privatization was funded by American Express, the brokerage house of Alex Brown and Company, and the giant American International Group. The co-chairmen of the Cato Institute project are William Shipman, a senior officer at the Boston State Street Bank, and Jose Piñera, the man who privatized Chile's social security system, resulting in a $1.5 billion loss to Chilean citizens in 1995.