The Scammers are getting smarter


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 2003
Shopper's Guide wants you to run a survey on two prominent companies in
your area.

The 1st is a Western Union Location
The 2nd a Restaurant

There have been reports about laps in the services of their Management
and some of their staffs, the complaint are based on reports which
their customers forwarded anonymously and Phone calls which were also
made to the head office.

The Western union location was reported for evaluation for the
following reasons:
I) Customers have reported their money missing
ii) Slow services
iii) Unbalanced transfer charges

The 2nd company was reported to be rendering
(I) Poor services
(ii) Rudeness to customers
(iii) Excess charge
(iii) Late opening time and Closing before time.

Your Secret Evaluation would be

1) To make a transfer of funds from this western union location to our
Mystery shopper, and the funds would be picked up by another mystery
shopper at another location where a customer reported her funds missing.

2) You would have to record the time at which you go to the location
and how many minutes it took you to get service.

3) You would be sent a check/Money order which would cover your payment
of $300 and also for the duty. As soon as you receive the check/money
order, you should cash in at your bank, and deduct your $300.00, and
use the rest of the money for the services.

4) Upon receiving the funds, the locations address would be forwarded
to you, and also the Name and address of whom the Mystery shoppers
transfer would be made to. You would have to keep a comprehensive report on
every activity you carry out.

5) You would also provide me with the name of the cashier that attended
to you. So if you think you can take these Job get back to us with
these Full Information below.

(1) Your full names....
(2) Contact address....
(7)Valid Email Address.....................
Please send me a reply, to (leftout) so that
the check/Money order sent out to you ASAP

Yours Sincerely

Smith Morgan.



Diamond Member
Oct 10, 2003
I meant to put this in off topic...can you please move ...thanks....