Considering this is actually one of the most purchased nforce2s out there (along with the 8rda/+) I figure we need a thread dedicated instead of having to solve the same FAQ questions.
Hopefully this can go somewhere and when I have time I'll add some extra information.
Furthurmore, if you have this bad boy, post you configuratino so that questions/comparisions can be made.
My Configuration:
Look at my sig
I picked this up from the General Hardware Forum
ASUS boards are known to almost always have problems with Kingmax RAM which works surprisingly well in other boards, and with some Kingston memory. It happens b/c ASUS boards usually supply a higher voltage to the RAM for stability.
Interesting- I have Kingmax RAM and when I encode files or play CS I often get Read Memory Errors. If anyone else has Kingmax ram I suggest you encode an AVIFile using TMPGEnc and see if you get errors.
Secondly, here is a link for 1002.001 Bios which is currently regarded as the best Bios right now
The 1002.001 Bios
It seems the old file was corrupt (or so someone said) so I repuloaded it in its native zip
Note- If there is any file related to the A7n8x and you need it mirrored, do not Hesitate to tell me and I will
Hopefully this can go somewhere and when I have time I'll add some extra information.
Furthurmore, if you have this bad boy, post you configuratino so that questions/comparisions can be made.
My Configuration:
Look at my sig
I picked this up from the General Hardware Forum
ASUS boards are known to almost always have problems with Kingmax RAM which works surprisingly well in other boards, and with some Kingston memory. It happens b/c ASUS boards usually supply a higher voltage to the RAM for stability.
Interesting- I have Kingmax RAM and when I encode files or play CS I often get Read Memory Errors. If anyone else has Kingmax ram I suggest you encode an AVIFile using TMPGEnc and see if you get errors.
Secondly, here is a link for 1002.001 Bios which is currently regarded as the best Bios right now
The 1002.001 Bios
It seems the old file was corrupt (or so someone said) so I repuloaded it in its native zip
Note- If there is any file related to the A7n8x and you need it mirrored, do not Hesitate to tell me and I will