the neat PC Gaurdian 2000


Senior member
Dec 29, 2000
Just started using this differential backup PCI card from these folks
The basic function is effortless and makes an installed system bulletproof to any misconfiguration but static.
The advanced options are where it gets really cool. It allows one to make any kind of tweaks, test for a little
while and when satisfied commit the changes. Driver upgrades, new installs, conflicting packages now
never an issue. Check it out or comment if you have one. Review


Senior member
Dec 29, 2000
a little bump because the uniqueness and power of this product should get another little chance to hang out with some passer-bys, can't wait to spend some time really figuring out all the options. Don't know this company from Adam but hey they shipped from Sweden in about 10 days and the product is just so headshakin' out there I can't resist chatting it up.
The thought today was that this card should come as a mobo onboard feature. For the conspiricy theorists, it might have already be implemented this way if every manufacturer didn't bind with a virus/sys util software company.
SET the gaurdian to administrative role save.
this means every time you boot you are presented with a beep and a dos window with three choices. Reserve, restore, save.
reserve = continue normally with no gaurdian influence except it still keeps track of the changes
restore = rollback
save = commit changes

hitting restore will put the drive(s) back to the point of gaurdian installation
or the last save(commit)

So for everyday use you would leave things in reserve mode. Maybe once a week if all is good hit save.
Your latest current config is committed in a few seconds. Think of it as the reserve area that has been watching
the drive is purged. Therefore the history is lost and rollback is not possible, but who cares it was done on your command and on a perfect box.
See the magic is it is a dynamic almost handsfree incremental backup. Or for public access computers a bulletproof vest.

There's more too, office rollout practices and such. serious increase in rubberband shooting time.

Since it's Halloween, just out scaring Ghosts (get it GHOST, bwahhhhhahaha!)