depends how much you make.
when you get a 5% raise making $50k/yr, that is $2.5k/yr. split that up over 24 or 26 depending how you get paid, after taxes that can be like $60/extra per check. which really doesn't seem like shit.
but a 10% raise at like $120k/yr is a pretty noticeable chunk of change, noticeable for sure on a check to check basis.
i have noticed as i've made more money, i want to do more stuff, and have been able to. my wife and i go on a pretty good amount of vacations, especially when compared to our friends and stuff. but we work hard and that is what we like to do.
i dont really want to buy more stuff in general, although i'm getting a new (to me) car tomorrow which isn't 100% necessary, but it isn't going to really be a hindrance financially, but since i don't really buy much stuff in general, it allows me to save for vacations, which are the #1 thing i'd want to spend my money on.