In the USA
3.09% own a holiday cottage.
20% own one in Sweden and 55% have access to one. So yes there is the issue of siblings and not all of them outright owning it. Yes as far as I know it's mostly inherited. I have friends who have passed down the same summer cottage for over 150 years. They have a nice piece of land, tend to it, and enjoy mostly summers there but also a bit during the rest of the year.
I completely agree with you that no place is perfect. I'm simply pointing out things that Americans do not understand. I've lived in Europe for years, on and off, and lived in the US for 35 years. I have a unique perspective. I'm not talking about visiting a place for 2 weeks and then trying to compare. I have lived, studied, and worked in both continents. I've lived in the midwest and in CA. I have lived on the beaches (within 2 blocks) in CA: La Jolla, Marina Del Rey, Playa Del Rey, and Santa Monica and I still think the quality of life in Europe dominates what we get in the US. Americans are doing it wrong. I'm in the top percentiles so I have nothing to worry about personally but who wants to live in a place where most people are barely getting by, struggling to save money, are going to be living on very little when they retire, are not raising their own children, don't have affordable access to healthcare and education AND deny that they have a problem? The USA used to be amazing. I hope it is again one day.