The lateset CEC lie to get the President

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Feb 6, 2002
along with their long term boogeyman Eric Holder.

Fox News and the rest of the Conservative Entertainment Complex (as penned by David Frum) and their latest "hair on fire" delusion.

In the David Patraeus scandel the biggest problem isn't that DP, head of the CIA couldn't keep it in his pants. That was just a "small mistake" Seems the thing that should concern people the most is why Didn't Obama know? have told his best buddy

Be very afraid Eric Holder must have known a long time ago about this and must have told his buddy Barack. Never mind Patraeus put national security in jeopardy just to get a piece.

Than again after the election debacle we are supposed to take the CEC seriously??

For the record the question needs to be answered why the President didn't know until election day. From what I hear the FBI didn't have a criminal charge to bring forth so at that point it was a personal matter. But this is the primary concern? Who are you kidding!!!
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