Ok, so Channel 4 is somewhere in England. Is it a Rupert Murdoch site? Who Knows??
Most importantly who is the guy who made this SUPPOSED "documentary"???
Who is Martin Durkin??? Well, lets see:
In October 1998 a television producer named Martin Durkin
took a proposal to the BBC's science series, Horizon.
Silicone breast implants, he claimed, far from harming
women, were in fact beneficial, reducing the risk of breast
cancer. Horizon commissioned a researcher to find out
whether or not his assertion was true. After a thorough
review, the researcher reported that Mr Durkin had ignored a
powerful body of evidence contradicting his claims. Martin
Durkin withdrew his proposal. Instead of dropping it,
however, he took it to Channel 4 and, astonishingly, sold it
to their science series, Equinox.
So basically just cause they have a pretty website and claim this is a "documentary' it appears to be just another well funded charlatan spewing out propaganda.
Move along, nothing but lies here.