2. Thou shalt not use "inconsistent" shingles even after a plane destroys thy house
Plane kills wife and young son.
6. No smoking even in thy own bathroom
As Realty Times points out, "The Constitution does not guarantee Americans the right to smoke in their homes...."
I'm pretty anti-smoking but even I would not be this nuts. Guess only a HOA could go this far. So yep the HOA > Constitution if you ask a Realtor/HOA.
2. Thou shalt not use "inconsistent" shingles even after a plane destroys thy house
Plane kills wife and young son.
6. No smoking even in thy own bathroom
As Realty Times points out, "The Constitution does not guarantee Americans the right to smoke in their homes...."
I'm pretty anti-smoking but even I would not be this nuts. Guess only a HOA could go this far. So yep the HOA > Constitution if you ask a Realtor/HOA.