The Candidates

Sir Anonymous

Junior Member
Jan 20, 2008
Well, I have to say, this has been an excellent presidential race so far. For one thing it isn't a "Anybody but Bush" vs. "Anybody but a left-winger" race, which is what sickened me about the last one. I am seeing a race where at least some people actually care about the qualities of their candidate rather than just voting according to what the Media Networks tell them to vote for.

So now we have three candidates. Let us review their pros and cons for a moment:

Hillary Clinton:
-Professional, experienced Senator
-Organized, result of former
-Has some addition experience in White House politics from being First Lady in the Clinton Administration
-Woman, therefore has a certain degree of appeal with other women and would fulfill the Feminist objective of having a woman at the highest level of government
-Has dedicated daughter campaigning for her
-Lies. Sorry, but she did lie about Bosnia. This isn't necessarily because she is a bad person, it's simply because she is a politician and is willing to go all out to get what she wants, even if it is wrong to do so. But....
-Because she lied about Bosnia, it shows that she is not quite as experienced as she claims to be.
-Husband Bill Clinton has actually been hurting campaign, so it partially negates Chelsea.
-Media worships Obama, so she no longer has their support. Hurts her rather badly.

Barack Obama
-Supremely Charismatic, makes people faint at his rallies
-Because of former, new voters flock to him
-Media worships Obama, even Chris Matthews. Major plus for him.
-African American, which allows him to gain a large and significant portion of the African American community. Like Hillary, him being president would put a minority at the top of the country leadership, a historical achievement and could potentially heal racial tension in USA.
-Many Democratic leaders realize that choosing Hillary would make many African Americans feel betrayed and thus would create a huge rift in party. Thus, they are more likely to choose him in order to preserve party.
-Way more left-wing than most people realize.
-Recently portrayed as Elitist and Condescing in nature with his "bitter working-class voters" remark.
-Pastor routinely makes anti-USA/anti-US government remarks, so it says something about Obama's character when he not only attends this church and sits around listening to this guy without even protesting, but brings his wife and children too. Media worshipping negates this...for now.
-"Bitter working-class voters" remark may help Hillary out, and McCain too.
-Friends with an actual terrorist. Bill O'Reilly is not going to be happy about this, folks.
-Abortion stance very sketchy. Alienates pro-life activists.
-So anti-Iraq War that it alienates pro-Iraq War individuals. Plus he made a....
-Remark about how we should invade Pakistan if they aren't doing enough to deal with Al-Qaeda. Hmmm....
-Much of the above contradicts how bi-partisan Obama claims to be.

John McCain
-Vietnam War Hero, former POW. Solves the problem Bush has with no actual war-experience.
-Became underdog, then totally KOed other Republicans in the GOP primary.
-Like Hillary, has Senate experience.
-Historically has signed way more bi-partisan legislation than Obama, such as immigration.
-A significant portion of Obama and Hillary supporters claim that if their candidate loses, they will vote for McCain. Major plus.
-Furthermore, Democrats actively stabbing each other politically mitigates the damage that the Iraq War has done to Republican popularity.
-Like it or not, the troop surge has helped a little in Iraq and the political crisis has been somewhat mitigated. A plus for McCain and the GOP.
-Other GOP candidates have been backing McCain now, gives him their weight.
-Immigration stance helps with independents and other moderate voters, and is not quite hurting McCain anymore.
-Really freakin' old, health an issue. Brings us to....
-Vice President. Needs one that the American people would like, because if he drops dead the Vice becomes President.
-100 Years comment still out of context, but hurts him nonetheless. Needs to really explain this in debates.
-Said three times that Al-Qaeda trains in Iran, which is unlikely considering that Iran is Shia and Al-Qaeda is Sunni.
-Economic inexperience hurts him, but only if Obama or Clinton really attack him on it.

So, seeing all the pros and cons are you still so certain of your candidate?